Chapter 1: That Pretty-Faced Boy

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Seoul, South Korea; 4:30 pm 2021

"Class is now dismissed. A reminder that your homework is due next class, and don't forget to review the various polar and nonpolar amino acids."

The teacher then faced the class and bowed, "Thank you everyone for your hard work today."

"All students rise!" A girl in the front called out and stood, prompting the rest of the students to follow her. "Everyone bow."

"Thank you for your lecture today, Yeon-seonsaengnim."

The teacher gave a small nod in response and exited the room. When the door shut, the students sat back down, and chattering began to fill the air.

"Im Kiyeon and Na Roogyu, you two have clean-up duty today." said the same girl who had just told the class to bow. "Please keep our classroom clean."

"Okay, Mijeong unnie! You can count on us." Kiyeon happily replied while Roogyu nodded her head in agreement.

Mijeong smiled and returned to packing her school bag. When she was finished, she stood up but was immediately surrounded by her male classmates who tried to talk to her.

"Hey, noona~ Wanna come and hang out with us after school?" One of the students suggested.

"No, don't go with him noona! Come with me instead to the arcade!"

"Can I have your number noona? I don't understand today's lecture and I need help..."

"Did this kid really ask for my phone number?" Mijeong thought to herself as the male students continued to argue. Eventually, she let out a sigh and said, "I'm sorry everyone, but I already have plans with my brother after school."

"Awwh really? That's unfortunate."

"Damn it, I even cleared my schedule today for this."

"You're always hanging out with him..."

'If only they would put that kind of effort into their studies...' The class president mentally facepalmed as she gave them an apologetic smile. She then walked to the back of the classroom to talk to her younger twin.

However, an irk mark appeared on her head when she saw a group of female students swooning around his table.

"Oh my gosh~! He's so cute!!!"

"Take a picture! Take a picture!"

"Where is my phone?"

"*Cough*" Mijeong, clearly annoyed with the girls, let out a cough which drew their attention. With a cold stare, she told them, "I would like it if you didn't take pictures of my little brother while he's asleep."

"Ah! It's Mijeong-unnie!"

"Crap! Did you take a photo yet?"

"No, I haven't! I can't find my phone!"

Realizing they had failed their mission, the girls quickly scattered from Misuk's table to avoid the class president's uneasy gaze. Mijeong let out a heavy sigh as she watched the girls return to their seats. Then, she leaned forward to check on her younger twin.

"Misuk?" The girl lightly tapped the boy, who had his head across the table "Yah, I know you're awake. You were up when we were bowing to the teacher."


She shook her head and patted the boy's head when he didn't respond. "Why are you like a cat, hmm?

When Misuk felt his older twin twirling his hair, he suddenly shuddered. Slowly, he raised his head and mumbled, "Unnie...?"

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