Kakyoin! - Can't Live Without You

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A/N: We're starting with Kakyoin angst because it's the only one I could write 💀 Anyway, the rest of my A/N are at the end


You were about to get married.

You remembered the moment vividly, when he proposed to you. It was perfect.

- Just about a week ago -

On the harbor of your hometown, the sun setting off into the horizon, you had your hands behind you as you walked with your boyfriend by your side. It was awfully quiet for the two of you after spending the whole day together. Almost both your pairs of shoes tapping against the wooden floor could be heard if not for the waves splashing onto the shore. As you looked over to him to try and start a conversation, you couldn't help but notice that he had a concerned expression plastered onto his face, hinting you that something was up. He was hiding something.

After a few moments of consideration, you decided to ask him what was bothering him.

"Hey, babe?"

"Hmm?" he hummed as he raised a brow without even looking at you.

"You okay? Your mood kind of switched suddenly after we came from that ice cream place." You said, unintentionally pointing him out. "Look, I'm sorry I made you buy only one scoop of ice cream! I'll treat you again next time, alright?" You elbowed him, desperately trying to lighten the mood. But he just shrugged his shoulders. You frowned and folded your arms.

"Alright, what's really going on? You can tell me." He moved his eyes slightly to peer at you. Once you looked back, he quickly shifted his eyes back to look forward. He seemed to be a bit embarrassed, but you didn't know why.

He sighed. His expression was quite obvious. You could read "It's now of never, just do it." just from his face. Though, you were still very confused.

Until your eyes followed his body movement and gasped in shock.

You could've believe it. Your beloved boyfriend, was kneeling down in front to you as he pulled out a ring from his pocket. The light of the sunset was shining perfectly into his eyes, the wind brushing through the curly part of his hair as his lips subconsciously curved into a smile. Finally, you understood what was going on.

"(Name), I've loved you for so long now. We've been dating for as long as I can remember, and I have decided that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me feel like the luckiest guy ever. Now, will you make really me the luckiest man ever and accept this ring?" Those were his exact words.

You couldn't stop the tears streaming down your cheeks as you covered your mouth with your hands in shock, nodding as you happily accepted.


It's been a week since he proposed to you. It's also been less than a week since he sacrificed his life for you and his friends.

Your memories of him putting a smile to your face, but the smile was slowly starting to turn into a frown as you recalled the tragic incident that had happened to him. Nonetheless, you wanted to be as cheerful as you could, as it was a special day.

"Good morning, dear. Happy birthday." You whispered.

The day started normally, with you getting up and cooking breakfast for you and your fiancé. While humming your favourite tune, you whipped up something delicious on the spot. You put your hands on your hips feeling proud of what you cooked.

"He would've loved this." you thought as you ate in silence.

After your quiet meal, you decided to do some last minute shopping for the birthday boy's surprise party. You swiftly cleaned up with your empty plate and got ready to leave. You figured you should call a friend to keep your fiancé company, and distracted. You dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

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