First day of school

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Author then, Oxley POV

Oxley Rivera, is if you're an average football guy who gets all the girl's boy’s wishing they were him. The girls only like him because he has a British accent. Their was also some gay and bisexual guys that like him fantasize about him doing….. you know what, Anyway am gone for now, listen to how this story unfolds.

I woke up hearing my younger brother jumping on my bed. “Mom said to wake up Ox wake up wake up wak…” before he could say and jump anymore I pushed him off of me I looked down to see him smiling I know that look oh no.

“don’t you dare” I said in a whisper he jumps up from off the floor “Mom Oxley push me” he Is going to get it that little ugh why he my thought was interrupted from my mom calling my name “Oxley Tera Rivera say your sorry to your brother right now” I hear her say from down stairs “But he was jumping on me”

I said walking down stairs I see my brother giving her puppy eyes mom know he does that all the time so he looks at him “did you jump on him Dextial” he looks at me and stick his tongue out mom notice that as he turn around he gave his puppy eyes again “I seen that you know jumping on your brother hurts what if he did that to you” she said tilting her head to the side when she said *you “no” he said.

Some time later one of my friend Justin came to pick me up I hop in his car with his girlfriend up front “hey buddy why do you look like you got punch bro” Justin ask touching my face I see his girlfriend getting jealous I don't even like him why she angry “my brother” I replied “ah I see he still jumping on you even at this age” He laugh and then start to drive to school. I was looking out the window and listening to music when we finally got to school my friend basically jumped out of the car to our other friend, Eathen.

I then got tap my his girlfriend who name is Erica “can you stop flirting with my boyfriend fag” “am not gay and he’s my friend why would I like him” she looks at me confused “you aren't gay?” she tilted her head when she said gay I try to tel her this long ago when she started to date him but she would just walk away but now she just siting so no running for her “no what made you think that” I asked “some girls said that you where gay” now am looking at her confused “don’t listion to them friends”

I put my hand out she looks at it hestating to shake it but she eventually did “sorry for the misunderstanding” as she still had my hand Justin open the car door “ you better not be taking my girlfriend bro” we let go fast “bro no ew no offence Erica, she not my type and you know that” “ok”

In class

I sit down by the window and got lost in my own thoughts until the Teacher came in to announce a new students I didn’t care until one girl said “I seen him he looks hot and I believe he a bad boy” one girl said then her friend say “I did to and he where all black he must be a bad boy.. Oh did you see his motorcycle soo hot” she emphasized on the o’s.

I now want to know who this guy is t make girls be so into him already the Teacher then brings him in he wearing Black ripe dup jens a my chemical romance shirt black platform boots I look up to see his face he has a nose ring the loop kind he then starts to talk “My name is Robbie Clark but If we somehow become friends then you can call me Rob” as he was about to sit down a girl ask him “Do you have a girlfriend” when she said this some girls laugh I could tell that some of them was trying to make there laugh cute “no I do not”

he answers and sits down in front of me when he sat down the girl then put her arm to link with is the Teacher was already looking at the board before she did this he looks at her and smiled then mover her arm and wisped in her ear but I couldn't quite hear but from her reaction she looked hurt so he must have turn her down I would have probably do the same thing If it was my first day of school.


I walk to my friends table as am walking there I see a crowd at another table that beside my friends some of them looking at the commotion I put my lunch down beside Eathen I then pat him on the shoulder he turn to me “what's happening” I asked “some girls are trying to flirt with the new kid but he keeps rejecting them so they all form a line to ask him out”

I turn to the line It was a long one then I see one teacher bring out his microphone “Girls sit down now is not the time for this you can become friends with him later” The girls start to slowly walk away from him he told other girls who was sitting at his table to leave him alone.

I then notice my friends walking over to his table and sat down I followed with my lunch in hand I sat in front of him “why are you rejecting them they are so hot” Eathen said.Robbie just looks at him like a glare but I could tell he was just annoyed by all this commotion but he answers anyway “I just don’t want anyone” Erica then butts in “did you have a girlfriend in your old school” she asked “nope” “hmm” was all she could say to that “well am Erica this my boyfriend Justin” she says as she kiss his cheeks “that’s Eathen” she say our other friends name’s and about them then she gets to me.”And that's Oxley I just now became friends with him so I don’t know much about him” Robbie looks at me then to her “why now” “well I thought he had a crush on my boyfriend he always with him”

Justin arm was round me at this point when she got to me talking to me but I wasn’t listening to him. Robbie looks at us “I can see why you thought that” he smirk they then start to laugh when Justin heard them he turn his head like lightning then move his arm off of me and put his other on his girlfriend “are you trying to take my girlfriend” he looks at him “no we was just laughing at how you and your friend looks like a couple” he said still laughing a bit “we do? We been friends scene we was basically born”

On The Football Field (End of school practice)
Me and my team and I are stretching so we can practice without getting hurt. Sometime later we were pushing each other and catching the ball.
(I don’t play football so we are just going to skip this)

I love what am doing here no smut yet that's a record lol 😂 but this is my first time making this so I hope you like to first part.

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