Same as part 1 but Robbie

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Robbie POV First day in a new school
I wake up getting ready for my first day at a new place called hell aka school “I hate that I keep changing schools” I said to myself but my mom was able to hear me from across the table “well honey am sorry that you been in so many fights because of your sexuality” she said eating her breakfast “I know I just hope this school will be different” I told her while poking my food “well the only way for that to happen is for you to not say that your gay on your first day ok” my mother said as she look up from her food. I sigh “ok I got it I will keep my mouth shut” I then got up from my chair “well gotta go by mom” I was about to walk out when “hey where my kiss son” I turned around gave her a quick kiss grab my car keys and jump on my motorcycle.

I finally made it to the school as i turned in I see girls looking at my with lust well love for me to bad am gay as they can come beside me was a car some guy in the driver set got out and someone in the back but a guy and girl started talking to each other i could tell it was not a good talk. The person who own the care then looks at me I look back at him “yo you must be new here” he then looks around and elbows my side “and I see that you are getting the attention from all the girls even the ones that have boyfriends” I rub the side he elbowed “yeah” I then took off my helmet I knew as soon as I did that a lot more girls would be looking at me I took my key and helmet and walk to the doors I look back again to see the person who talked to me going back to his car and laughing with the girl and the other guy I guess they made up.

After getting my class schedule I went to my first class. The teacher was outside waiting for someone so I guess it would be me so I walked over to her. She told me to introduce myself as soon as I walked in so that's what I did.“My name is Robbie Clark but If we somehow become friends then you can call me Rob” as I was about to sit down some girl ask me “Do you have a girlfriend” when she said that I notice some other girls start to laugh I then think a bit then said “no I do not” after I answered her question I walk over to an empty set and sat down in front of the guy who I saw arguing with that girl when I got here when I sat down the girl then put her arm to link with my arm I look up to see the Teacher was already looking at the board I then just look at her and smiled at her but then I moved my arm away from her I could tell she didn't like that one bit.

Throughout half of the day was ok but then came lunch time I was about to eat my food when some girls start to come to my direction I rolled my eyes knowing they was going to bother me one of the girl sat beside me and started to talk “hey am Heather and your name” she was twirling her hair to try and flirt with me I then thought I guess I would just tell her my name “Robbie” “what a sexy name” more girls came and crowded around me.
I almost got jump scared from one teacher who had a microphone saying “Girls sit down now is not the time for this you can become friends with him later” The girls that was crowding around me start to slowly walk away from me I then turn to my right and left to see the first girl Heather was still here. “Um can you please go and leave me alone” they then looked at me with a bit of anger.
I then see Eathen walking over to me and put his arm on my shoulder I only know his name because we have a class together he never told me his name but the Math teacher called him in class one time anyway he then start to ask me “why are you rejecting them they are so hot” am just wondering why he alway want to talk to me in the first place I then see that guy who sits behind me sitting in front of me ugh why so many people want to talk to me I finally answer him “I just don’t want anyone” then the girl who name I still don’t know butts in “did you have a girlfriend in your old school” she asked I answered “nope” “hmm” was all she could say to my answer “well am Erica this my boyfriend Justin” she says as she kiss his cheeks “that’s Eathen” she said I look at him and nod she induce some other kids but I could only look at that guy.She then went to the guy that I don’t know ”And that's Oxley I just now became friends with him so I don’t know much about him” I then thought back to when they was arguing in Justin car so I ask “why now” “well I thought he had a crush on my boyfriend he always with him” she said Justin arm was round Oxley when I turn my head to them I could see that Oxley was not paying attention to us “I can see why you thought that” I smirk me and Erica then start to laugh I see Justin heard us I was just imprest that he could move his head so fast he move his arm off of Oxley and put his other arm on his girlfriend.He then turn to me and glare at me “are you trying to take my girlfriend” lol he don’t know a thing “no we was just laughing at how you and your friend looks like a couple” I said still laughing a bit “we do? We were friends. We were basically born” I looked at him laughing at his little pout "ok” was all I could say before the lunch bell rang." Well it was nice meeting you guys see you later” I said, waving bye to them.

At home:
I slowly got to my driveway. I parked my motorcycle, took off my helmet, took my key out and headed to my front door and unlocked it. I immediately head to my room, get my phone out and order pizza since my mom is on a business trip. She texted me before I got out of school. Sometime has pass I heard my doorbell ring so I got up and got my walet and oppen the door “here your pizza” I could tell from that voice it was my old bully Noah I gave him the money befor I could close the dorr he push it right back oppen and let him self in “ah so its you Fag why you leave the school its was just a little hiccup” he smirk when he said hiccup he know I was sent to the hospital sence I been gone I been traing to get stronger so no one can hurt me. As I was thinking this he push me I stubble but didn’t fall like I used to he look at me imprest “oh you still quite as ever but I can see you got stronger I will deal with you another time I still have work” He was about to walk out but my dumb ass had to say something “Am not quite for your information I was just thinking what a dick you are for coming into my house without me telling you could do that” he turned around smirking “wow goo for you and I can do whatever I want, I promise you I will be back” I close the door and sat on my couch I then finally hear his car to start.

After finishing my pizza I took off my clothes and went into the shower to think “oh good what if he found out what school am at now and tell everyone oh no” I walk out of the shower and dried off I put on my boxers and my pajamas pants I walk out of the bathroom and went to my room and laid down on my bed I pick up my phone from my night stand and see I got a notification from instagram I see that it say that Oxley followed me even Eathen I obviously followed them back. After looking on Tik Tok for some time I checked my instagram to see that I was added to a chat group I clicked on it to see.

Eathen_barexox: Hey new kid

Ericapretty: oh my god did you stalk him to get his instagram

Eathen_barexox: no Oxley did

Oxley15: Ah delete that he in this chat remember

Ericapretty: oh so you salk him

Oxley15: no I didn’t ugh I can’t come back from this

Robbiequeen: wow so you stalk me I didn’t know you like me that much

Oxley15: what no I don’t

Ericapretty: I think he dose

Justintaken: oh what's going on here
Eathen_barexox: Oxley having a crush on Robb

Robbiequeen: Oxley you just need to ask me you know that right

Oxley15: You already left when I was about to ask you.

Robbiequeen: oh well sorry

Ericapretty: we should go to bed you guys have football practice in the morning

Oxley15: your right goodnight guys

Justintaken: goodnight babe

Ericapretty: night baby

Eathen_barexox: we are still in this chat you know

Robbiequeen: lol night guys

I look back at the text that just happened. What if he does like me? That would be nice, someone who could help me when I get bullied. yeah after sometime I finally fell asleep.

(oh holy finally am done with this chapter I hope you are liking this because this is my first time doing something like this without smut in the very beginning)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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