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After knowing taehyung has feeling for you for many years... You were felling really bad.....you are regretting for saying those hurtful words to him ....

You tell taehyung to go away... And he did... But Deep inside your heart you want him back... You wished him to come back to you... You just want his good but you don't want to hurt him...

It's been lunch time and you were laying on your bed in hospital

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It's been lunch time and you were laying on your bed in hospital... With a blank face... With dry Tears on your cheeks
As lots of thoughts were running in your mind..... Doctor tell you to take a rest... But rest was far away from you.. as you were mentally tired..... Tired of crying... Tired of your pitiful state... Tired of your life....

Suddenly the you heard the sound of door opening but you didn't pay attention but deep inside you feel it's him...

After few seconds you felt someone was rubbing your hair partion part exactly upper your bandage which was placed on your forehead or if you say someone was applying something like powder on your hair partion part

Y/n : w-what are you doing ?

You ask shuttering as you exactly know who is the person just by his strong cologne...

Taehyung : i am just applying sindur on your forehead ., Any problem ?

He said very calmly but you winded your eyes in shock you immediately try to push his hand by your left hand ,, but what's the use... He alredy had applied it on your forehead

Taehyung : now , i am your husband...

Y/n : w- what rubbish ? Just by applying sindur you can't be my h-husband...

You said shuttering a little and he cuckle as tears were forming in your eyes

Taehyung : jaan , you were the one who was telling me if i had put vermillion on you hair partion we will be married couples ...

He said cupping your one cheek

Y/n : stop taehyung, we are not married... IT'S NOT A JOKE...

You said in high angry tone

taehyung : i am also saying y/n... It's not a joke... my love is not joke.... Now we are husband- wife....... deny as much as you want but you can't change the fact... I had promise myself... I will be with you no matter what situation is.... Even if you push me ......i will still gona to stand by your side....

He said in high tone

Y/n : Tae-

Taehyung : I love you y/n & trust me when i called you my Jaan..... I really meant it...

He said and kiss your forehead... as you hold his hand which was cupping your cheek as tears fell from your eyes....

Y/n : taehyung,,, but-

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