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Yuki's POV

As soon as I arrived, a nonstop scream greets me


"Yah! Why you bit me?! I'm not the one who kicked you out!"




"wait- YUKI HELP US!!!!!!"

When Eric and Chanhee scream for help,I immediately separate Chanhee,Changmin and Eric.

"Hey Changmin,Calm do- ahh, fuck!" as i drag changmin away from those two,he starts to bite my arm

"Changmin, it's me! Yuki! Stop!" He then stop biting me.

"YUKI?! OMG I'M SO SO SORRY!" He immediately hug me while Eric is crying

"I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you.."

"It's ok. Why did you attacked Chanhee and Eric?" i asked while caressing my arms with bite marks of changmin.

"Chanhee started it."

"it's not my fault that he's so annoying!"

"What about me who didn't even mess with changmin~!" Eric whined but Changmin shouted at him

"You disrespected my daughter yesterday!"

"Yuki noona also laughed at her!"

"Why are you targeting me,Eric?!"

"She doesn't know that Annabelle was my daughter."

"Okay,stop fighting. First, Let's all clean up y'all's mess." I pointed at the messy living room.

"Sure. BOYS! COME DOWN HERE!!!!" Changmin yelled at them making me flinched.


Sunwoo's POV

We all gather around at the living room as soon as we heard Changmin hyung yelling at us.

"Why are you scre- hey yuki,what happened to your arms?"

"Long story."

"Oh,okkk. So Changmin hyung,why you yelled?"

Changmin Hyung cleared his throat "We need to help Yuki clean our mess!"

"Arghhh, I'm too lazy~!"



"She can do it by herself."

"Sangyeon hyung and Jacob hyung can help her."

Yep, they're lazy.

"Ok quiet! If no one will help,then go outside the mansion!"




God, she's so hot when she's mad.

some of the boys run outside while the others stays to help her clean.

"So Chanhee,Changmin, Sunwoo,Jacob,Sangyeon and Haknyeon are the ones who will help me clean?" she asked and we nod.

"Ok boys, chop! chop!"

“What are we cho—”

“Not a word, Changmin.”

Kevin's POV

"Should we help them?" I asked and they just shrugged.

We're outside the mansion because yuki said they'll clean.

"I hate her." Younghoon said

"Hey don't be mean! She's actually nice. It's just that she just wanted us to have a better and safer life." I said as I watch them cleaning inside the mansion.

"Not gonna lie, she's hot." Eric said while smirking

Oh God, he's on his flirty mood

"You do know that she's older than you, right?"

"Who cares! She's just one year older than me,duh~!"

After Hyunjae hyung finish eating his fried chicken, he finally talk.

"She's actually pretty and hot. But! She's too bossy."

They all agree except me.

'Why are they being so mean to her?'

exam? done!!

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