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Chapter 29 Energy Tower

    Three days passed.

    A clearing at the base was ablaze.

    Sorrowful wailing surrounds the burning wooden bed.

    The body of the superhuman who was discovered during the invasion of the zombie snake was put on a wooden bed by relatives and friends, surrounded by a lot of fire-supporting wood and hay, and burned to ashes together.

    Until the fire was extinguished, there were ashes and wood ashes left on the ground, as well as a crystal nucleus of a supernatural being that could not be burned.

    Si Huaixi looked at the crystal nucleus with dark eyes, his heavy face made people shudder.

    Seeing this scene, Cao Leipeng, the leader of the base, had complicated thoughts in his eyes. He patted Si Huaixi on the shoulder and sighed in fear, "It's all over, and the tragedy of the past will never happen again."

    Si Huaixi's face froze slightly, The burning smoke covered the emotions hidden in his eyes, and he responded, "Yes."

    Cao Leipeng sighed heavily in his heart, and he also knew that Si Huaixi didn't listen at all, otherwise he wouldn't have come to watch This is the funeral of a superhuman who has nothing to do with him.

    But it's no wonder that he would be bitter, who would have thought that the one who betrayed them was the most trusted companion.

    Cao Leipeng's eyes flashed with indignation and hatred, and his upright Chinese character face showed a gloomy and unhappy expression.

    Just because those people are so hateful!

    Thoughts back to two years ago.

    Cao Leipeng was the third in command of the Lucheng base at that time.

    Two years ago, Cao Leipeng was not the leader of the base. The former leader was an eighth-level old-fashioned superpower who had awakened his abilities since the outbreak of the zombie virus and came all the way. Although Cao Leipeng was also Level 8, it seems that it is not much different from the old leader, but he knows that he cannot beat the old leader.

    At that time, Si Huaixi was only 19 years old. Although Cao Leipeng knew that this young man was very talented, had killed many zombies, and was a psychic who was worth cultivating, he was still a young man with inexperience. It shouldn't be much higher.

    Later, when Cao Leipeng recalled what he said to Si Huaixi to take care of him, he felt regretful and blushed.

    But who would have known that this young man had hidden his strength two years ago, Si Huaixi's strength was more than enough to defeat him at that time, and even the old leader who betrayed his companions was finally defeated by this young man.

    Two years ago, there was a period of time in the Lucheng base where some unknown things disappeared.

    However, the Lucheng base under the control of the old leader has not managed the population of the base, and no one can tell exactly how many people with supernatural powers have disappeared.

    The people at the base were just muttering in their hearts, but they couldn't say why. Some people speculated that the disappearing supernatural beings disappeared because of various reasons such as fighting, leaving the base, or being killed by zombies.

    I don’t know if I don’t check, Cao Leipeng, who was still the third in command of the Lucheng base at the time, was taken aback. There were only two to three hundred people with supernatural powers in the base, and there were almost 30 people with supernatural powers who disappeared innocently.

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