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recap :
heidi - glad you enjoyed it honey
dixie - i'm so tired i just wanna sleep
heidi - we are going to the hotel so we can rest , then we are leaving
noah - it was the best week i'm not gonna lie
dixie - yes , it was
( they're going to the hotel . they arrived )
noah ( whisper to dixie ) - dixie close your eyes !
dixie - why noah ?
noah - just do it
dixie - fine ( sighs )
( everyone went to their rooms )
( noah filled the room with roses and made the whole room look romantic )
dixie - oh my noah .. i didn't expect all of this to be honest !! god i love you noah ( start crying )
noah - why are you crying dix ? whip your tears princess ( hands her the tissue )
dixie - i just got emotional because i never thought there's someone who's gonna love me like you do , griffin used me for money and he faked everything that he loves me that he will stay with me that he will marry me !
noah - okay dix , since the day i met you  until today , i've never stopped loving you . everyday your love grows more and more , i love you more than you can imagine , i want you to be in my life forever because guess what ? you are my soulmate yes you , you are my best friend , twin , other half and you are my soul . how can someone live without their  soul ? you are basically my everything. i'm glad that i found you and i want nothing more than to be with you every single second of the day , i wanna hear your voice when you sing , laugh even when you cry and remember when you cry i am here for you no matter what, thank you for being who you truly are. i know if i talked from today until the rest of our lives i won't be able to tell you how much i love you , sometimes you find a person that actually an angel , matches your personality , your feelings basically it's like we are talking about the same person , yes me and you the same . i don't wanna lose this ever , you hear me dix ? i don't wanna waist any second without you , and i'm willing to love you even at your lowest.
dixie - noaahhhhh stoppppp this is the cutest ( dixie wipe her tears and looks at noah ) , i love you the most
noah - and i love youuuu thé most as well
to be continued
support me guys please. love you all and stay safe and hydrated , what do u think will happen ? 💖 . " sorry for not posting for a while , i'm busy with school . hope you guys okay tho "

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