i was in the f*cking trenches, babe

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Tape #14 - i was in the f*cking trenches, babe


I wanna lie to you all and say that I went in there and returned the king back to his kingdom.

    But, well...

     I didn't.

     And I really wish that I didn't have to say this part of the story, that I could just skip it and move on.

     But then you wouldn't know the whole truth, and the entire point of these tapes is to ensure that the events of everything that's happened is documented and recorded. Because someone out there needs to know, especially if...

     If I'm dead.

     And, a lot of things that happen later really wouldn't make sense without this part of the story. I've spent so long spinning and bending the truth, and I'm gonna try my hardest to break that habit, but please, be patient with me.

     I arrive in the portal room of Earth. It's just about as mystical as all the other portal rooms are, except this one is hidden in a fake sewer drain. The air down here is dank and humid and the ladder to the exit is slimy and rusty, because I'd imagine not many people from the other realms actually come to Earth willingly.

     I emerge in the middle of a bustling city in Europe, I'm not sure which country, I've only been taught the continents. But luckily, I was near the Atlantic Ocean, which means I was near Atlantis. Although my father was currently across the globe from where I was.

     Within three fucking hours, I finally made it to the coast and I really didn't care enough if anybody saw me transforming. My business was across the ocean anyway, let them make myths about my gorgeous self. I transform and do a graceful dive into the ocean.

     Babe, I thought that the oceans in Enchantia were polluted.

     I can fucking feel my scales and skin bleeding and shriveling up and dying with these waters. Bitch, I'm gonna need a full cleansing and a whole day dedicated to the spa after I'm through with this shit.

     I didn't bring my crown (why the Hell would I? It would get dirty real fast), but I obviously brought my trident, so that should be proof enough of my status, and hopefully the damn governors here won't question me, cause I can't deal with that shit right now.

     By the time I get there, I can already see Sofi talking to the mayor of the city, a short but lean man who's silvery hair flowed in the water, and I kick my tail extra hard to get there faster.

     "Oh God, Caleb. You look horrible."

     "I missed you too." I say as if unbothered, even though her comment secretly bothers the shit out of me. We should all know by now that I'm conceited as fuuuuuuuck. But if I'm being totally honest, I could see dark circles forming forming at the bottom of her eyes. I wonder if it was because of me.

     She rolls her eyes and hugs me, though it seems forced. But I take no offense in this because I know that as soon as we go into our legged form, she's gonna breakdown.

     So will I.

     I took in the scene to and noticed that all the citizens here were extremely panicked (by mermaid standards), and I wasn't exactly sure if I should try to calm them down or not— how's that going to help our situation? It's not gonna get the king back, and it'll waste time. Still, maybe I wouldn't exactly be a good monarch if I didn't. But I also wouldn't be a good monarch if I didn't try to solve the damn problem first.

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