S1:E1- The Responsible

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The scene zooms to a blue house

The camera cuts and shows a pink rabbit struggleling to buckle his pants...and his wife who was a blue cat was slightly annoyed Waiting..

Rabbit: Oh no, It seems I can't put them on...

His wife gives him a look not believing him...

I'm afraid we can't go to The Parents Evening.

Annoyed his wife forcefully buckles his pants...making him incredibly uncomfortable as he was basically stuck...

Cat: (satisfied) Ready to go.

Rabbit: (groans)

Suddenly the door bells rings...

Cat: Ah.

Walking towards the door and opening it she met with....a disturbing sludge...possibly mucus...snot...with fake glasses...

Sludge thing: Hi, I'm here to sit on the baby.

The cat having her mouth opened from shock...

Cat: (shocked) (confused) What?

Sludge thing: well, duh! I'm the babysitter!

Angry she slammed the door and looks towards her husband...

Cat:(sternly) Richard-

The Pink rabbit now identified as Richard Waterson....

-Where did you find that find that guy?! (Points to door)

Richard: (dejected) on the internet

Suddenly without warning his pants button  detach from it frabic and lauch inches away...and fall alseep standing?

Cat: (sighs) (face-palm) where am going to find a babysitter at this time?

???: ahem!

Looking towards the sound she sees her three sons at the stairs...her gumball pointing himself while his twin Zach is seen shuffleling a card deck an and her adopted son Darwin is seen near them...with his eyes closed..

Only to reopen them as gumball kept pointing at himself....she could only deadpan at them... as this continues with Darwin oping his eyes pointing to gumball and gumball at Darwin...

Cat: (sighs) I can't believe I'm going to say this...I guess you guys are old enough to babysit?

Zack: I mean we are sixteen years old, not a 12 year kid....well anais is 9

Cat: (sighs) I suppose you're right...but promise you three will be responsible...

Gumball: (smiles) I promise to be the most responsible teen and will handle my responsibilities in to the most responsible way...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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