warren x neko reader

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Request from: DILYSCRUZ

I've never done a neko reader before, so this is probably gonna be really bad.

Anyway enjoy.

"Oh shit! I over slept. UUUGGHHH! Why am I so LAZY?! Oh yeah, I'm a neko. A cat to be exact. (Assuming that there's other ones.) It seems like I have to remind myself that every day. I sometimes wish I was just a normal person, but then I wouldn't fit in. Everyone in this town is somewhat mutant. ANYWAY, as I ran throughout my house, I get a phone call. I sighed in relief when I saw who it was. It was just Warren, probably calling to tell me that I'm almost 2 hours late for work. We both worked at the OK STOP organization, that is until we got fired for harassment. Now we work at McDonalds, how depressing. (I just couldn't think of anything else, I'm starving.) My parents were right, ima disappointment.
I picked up my phone and read the caller ID. " WORM" was what I named him just in spite of him thinking he's an Eagle. I finally answered his call.

Y/n: "What do you want wor-"


Y/N: "Ok, worm-wait why the fuck would you start a fire cuz of me. You know what, I'm not even gonna ask. But if you don't calm down, I will get fired on purpose so that you'll have to work alone."

Warren: *fake sobs*

Y/n: "Your such a baby. Alright, I'm ready.

Warren: " Yay, and don't forget that tonight I'm going to your house for game night."

My tail twitched.

Y/n: "Right, I definitely didn't forget.

I said through gritted teeth.

Warren: "Ok, y/n, love you. Bya! "

He said before hanging up.

I cringe every time he says that. He's been saying that ever since I took him to a restaurant because I accidentally gave him a bloody nose back in college. The guys obsessed, but I can't blame him. I am pretty hot. I'm totally joking tho. I look like if you scraped a dead animal off the road and brought it back to life.

I finally got to work and immediately saw Warren pacing back and forth, outside, cigarette in his mouth. I got out of I car and walked up to him.

Warren: "FINALLY! Y/N where were you?!"

Y/n: "I was getting ready."

I said as I took the cigarette out of his mouth and through it away in the trash can that was outside.

Y/n: "you gotta stop doin that."

Warren: "doing what?..... Oh... That. "

Warren hung his head low as we

alked  inside the Restaurant and got on our aprons. We were cooks or whatever you call them. I got the patties ready while Warren got packs of fries out of the freezer.

On his way past me to go put the fries in the fryer, he gave me a little kiss on the cheek. I was completely shocked and confused but flustered all at the same time. My brain was scattered all over the place.

Y/n: " Warren, what the FUCK was THAT!?"

WARREN: "Hm? Oh, that, well. . . Ummmmmm I don't know."

Y/n: "well, do that again, and I'll end you."

Warren: "Will do,  love bug."

Y/n: "stop."

Warren: "nope."

I just sighed and got back to what it was supposed to be doing. He didn't do that often but frequently enough to get boring. I don't know if I wanted more or something but ima get fired if I keep burning these patties cuz of being lost in thought.

-Time skip to after work.-
(I'm lazy 😪)

Y/n: "Ok, so Warrens gonna be here in about a an hour, and I got rid of almost all of my board games cuz most of them had pieces destroyed or lost from previous game nights. What are we gonna do then. The only game that I really have left is Sorry, but last game night we played it and he lost and almost had a break down. Nevermind, he DID have a break down"

*knock knock knock*

He was here. I got more and more anxious the closer I got to the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I got welcomed by Warren's usual grin.

Y/n: "Hey, Warren."

Warren: "Hey, y/n! Are you ready for game night!"

Y/n: "I don't think I ever have ever since we've started doing this."

Warren: "I love your enthusiasm."

I invited him in and handed him a small snack to eat while I figured out what we were gonna play. As I ran around my house, I couldn't help but notice Warren staring at me. Not just me, my tail.

Y/n: "Sir, do you need something. Quit staring at my tail."

Warren: "I can't, it's so pretty."

Y/n: "Is that so?"

I purred as I crawled on top of him, and wrapped my tail around his little worm body.

Y/n: "Im not in the mood for board games, but I know something else we can play."

Warren: "y/n, your kinda scaring me. You never act like this.

It was true. I never usually act like this on front of Warren.

Warren: "C-can't we just have a rematch or s-something?"

He said with the most shakey voice ever.

Y/n: "Yeah, this is getting kinda awkward."

So I searched my house for the game Sorry, and set it up. He chose the red piece like he always did and I chose (green, yellow, blue). After playing for a while, Warren actually won. We celebrated with snacks and drinks then fell asleep together on my couch. We don't talk about that though. The next day, we both went to work and didn't mention the fact we slept together.

(1000 words) Hope ya enjoyed this. Sorry it took so long. It's so cringe to me for some reason. I don't know why. I got more lazy toward the end, but I think you'll be ok.

-raccoon out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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