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december 24 

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december 24 

harlem newyork

bri pov: its the day before xmas and mke and dd havent even decorated our tree yet cuz we has  been busy with other stuff so today we decied to decorate our tree and bake cookies with his home boys since he never wants to do stuff with just me and him but i dont mind that much. 

dd: yo ma imma head out rq 

bri: wait but we were supposed to decorate together

dd: ik but i needa get one more thing ill be quick

bri: oh al-

dd has alr went out the door with his hb no kiss or nun atleast i just rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch calling kiki


kiki: hey bri wsg

bri: hey kiki  can yhu come over dd just left me here

kiki: y ?

bri: idk 2 go get sum he didnt even kiss me nun he just left 

kiki: thats wired but ill be omw

bri :ikr and ty 

then i hang up and get ready for kiki to come over then i get a text from dd 


    𝓶𝓱♥: ma ill be runnin a lil late

                                                                                                                            bri: y 

    𝓶𝓱♥: beacuse i just am                                                bri: yhu didnt even tell me where yhu was goin

    𝓶𝓱♥: dont worry bout it                                                  bri: wtf.. ykw nvm 


wtf was wrong wit him like i deserve to know where he was going like wtf he on.... then  i hear a knock on the door forgetting that kiki was comin.

kiki: wsggg briiiii

bri: heyy

kiki: whats wrong?

bri: dd is whats wrong like hes actin mad wired he went out with his hb and texted me that he as ganna run late not tellin me where he was going or nun and when i asked he said dw like that makes me mad cuz i never do that 2 him.

kiki: wtf he def on sum what if he cheatin

bri: wrd but i dont wanna know i love him way 2 much if he playin wit me i dont wanna know am tired of gettin hurt all of the time my heart cant take it anymore

kiki: bri ik it could hurt but its better than holdin it in and staying wit him wen there many more out there 4 yhu

bri: we dont even know what he is doin so lets not jump 2 conclusions...

kiki: yhu right 

after 2 hrs kiki left and dd still wasnt here so i just went to bed and alr decorated the tree by myself 

after 3hrs dd came home 

dd pov: ive been blowing up her phone and no answer i went to the apple store for her pink ipad they had on hold for me and the line was long asf like thats why i texted her i wont be there for a while ik she probs mad t me she decorated the tree by herself too i feel bad i went in da room and she was alr asleep.i tapped her softly to wake up she hit my hands off her with her shoulder since she was mad at me i decided to just wait till the morning i took off my shoes and got in bed with her a gave her a kiss to sleep  

𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰.................

bri pov: i woke up with dd hands wrapped around me i took his hands off of me and went into the bathroom connected to our room the shower running made dd get up 2 '

dd:  gm ma

bri: where were yhu yesterday

dd: out like i said dw about it

Bri: dd i am not playing wit yhu beacuse i am tired of yhu telling me what to not worry bout and worry bout like yhu dont be asking me and i tell yhu because that how it gose right? now where were yhu bc i decorated wit kiki last night instead of yhu when it was supposed 2 be just me and yhu 

dd: ma yk that i wouldn't cheat on yhu ur mine i am urs but since yhu wanted to know so bad we went to the mall 2 get ur pink i pad for xmas since i put it on hold 4 yhu and i forgot bout it so thats why i went late and the line was long 


dd: ye 

bri: yhu could have just told me that 

dd: that would have ruined the surprise mb ma i didnt mean 2 hurt yhu

bri: yhu good luv yhu

dd: luv yhu 2

i was so happy like my man really brought me the pink ipad ahhhh we i swear 1 day ill give dis man a baby 

wrd count: 784


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