🎄ꂵꄲ꒦꒐ꏂ ꋊ꒐ꍌꁝ꓄🎁

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Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm back and I have a new oneshot for y'all.

Also, thank you for 1k+ readers!
I appreciate a lot♡

This oneshot is a Christmas special about a movie I just saw.
Watch it when you have the time.
It's good but also sad.

Ok onto the oneshot.


My Star💫



<My Star💫>
What is it Rui?


Would you like to watch
a movie with me tonight?

<My Star💫>
Is it going to be
a horror one?

Ofc not :3

<My Star💫>
Then what type of movie
are you planning to watch?

I also don't know myself

<My Star💫>
What about Hachi?


<My Star💫>
Yes. Hachi: A dog's tale

Have you ever watched
the movie tho?

<My Star💫>
No, I have never.

My sister recommended it
to me not long ago
so I thought we could
watch it together.

Seems interesting enough.

<My Star💫>
See you in 10mins then?

Yes. I'll go prepare
some snacks for us

See you♡

<My Star💫>
See you, Rui♡


Rui turned off his phone and went downstairs to prepare everything for their movie night. He grabbed some blankets and some pillows in case Tsukasa fell asleep.

He made his way to the kitchen and made some sweet popcorn for his boyfriend, while he made himself some nachos and grabbed a soda candy he still had stored.

He put everything down on the table and went to grab a can of Coca-cola for Tsukasa. He knew how much his boyfriend loves the drink and made sure to keep a lot stored just in case Tsukasa decided to stay for a little longer than expected.

After arranging everything he heard a knock on the door. Rui, who was very excited, ran to the door to only find a smaller figure than his whose hair was blonde, fading to a darker shade of pink.


Rui: Tsukasa-kun, you are finally here.

Tsukasa: Thank you for inviting me, Rui.

Rui: It's no problem at all, Tsukasa-kun. Please, come in. It's very cold outside.

Tsukasa: Couldn't agree more.


Rui gave Tsukasa a little space to enter the director's house. He took off his jacket and shoes and made his way to the living room, where everything was ready for their movie night.

Tsukasa sat on the couch picking up the bowl of popcorn right away.

Rui sat beside Tsukasa with the TV controller on hands.


Tsukasa: Rui, can I just ask you a quick question?

Rui: Of course, my star.

Tsukasa: Do you mind if I stay over for a few days?

Rui: Not at all. Why do you ask?

Tsukasa: It's just, since my parents are away on a business trip and my sister is going to spend a few days with her girlfriends, I thought I could also spend some days here because I don't want to be home alone. It's too quiet for my liking.

Rui: You can spend as much time as you want here. I don't mind.

Tsukasa: Thank you, Rui. This is why I love you.

Rui: Fufu, and that is why I am your boyfriend. Now, how about we watch the movie before the popcorn gets cold?

Tsukasa: Sure.


゚。・⁠*⁠.゚time skip to the end゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚

(Please do watch the movie)


Tsukasa: I...

Rui: Hey, don't cry. It's just a movie.

Tsukasa: You are one to talk. You are also crying.

Rui: I know...


Tsukasa hugged Rui so he could hide his tears even if the director already saw them running through the star's face.

Rui hugged Tsukasa back, patting the star's head to calm him down.

Not so long after, Tsukasa fell asleep on Rui's chest as his eyes were puffy from crying a lot. Rui picked up one of the blankets and covered him so he wouldn't catch a cold.

He kissed the star's forehead as the director started closing his eyes slowly.


Rui: Goodnight, my star. Sleep well.


🎁꓄ꁝꏂ ꏂꋊ꒯🎄


Author notes:
🎄 Rushed? Definitely
🎁 Do I care? Depends

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