Chapter 2 : a new friend?

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" no you are stiles." The male replied flashing his red eyes. Looking to find a reaction for Thomas but found..nothing.?

Nothing at all.

Newts Pov :
After Scott McCall, son of Argent McCall, pushed Thomas to the flour, I could already feel the anger through our pack bond. But not from Thomas. From the others, Thomas seemed to not care much. Which was a huge surprise to Newt.

Newt flashed his red eyes to everyone from his and Harriet's pack to signal for them to stay put, Newt began to walk towards Scott was standing right about newts boyfriend.

Thomas could feel the anger radiating of off newt. But Scott seem to have to been more interested in stiles to acknowledge this.

Newt placed his left hand down on Scott's left shoulder, placing enough pressure to cause the true alpha infront of him to flinch.

Newt locked eyes with Thomas, flashing his red eyes for a couple seconds to cause his beta into submission. Thomas kept quiet while Newt and Scott McCall stood looking in each others eyes both flashing a fearful red. But Newts we're more of a darker red. A more powerful and filled with hatred. While Scott's were a bright red filled with nothing but stubbornness.

Minho, Sonya and Harriet began to walk up towards their fellow pack mates. Harriet stood beside Newt showing support with Sonya stood next to her. While Minho was stood next to newt on his right side.

Scott's beta, Liam, stood next to stiles othering him a hand. Smiling, Newt was about to go near his tommy and protect him when he felt a bond between the two, a strong bond.

Thomas smiled at the blond haired male, as he reached out to grab his hand.

But this was quickly put to a stop when Scott began to flash his red eyes at his Beta. Telling Liam to move aside, Liam tried to not listen but his wolf side done as it was told.

Newt stood forward to the point his shoes were pressed against Thomas, allowing the younger male to fall back and rest against his alpha.

Newt grabbed down, pickling his tommy up. Holding his close as he placed Thomas behind him out of rage from Scott mcall.

Scott flashed his eyes this time, but towards Thomas. Which made Newt confused on why he was trying to boss around one of his Beta.

Scott began to get pissed and you could see it, his face was twisting into a scowl when he noticed stiles wasn't replying nor making any signs of obedience.

Newt smirked at this while challenging the alpha once again. Harriet the other alpha of the group also flashed her eyes, a telling Scott he wasn't welcomed here.

This was when Harriet began to acknowledge the others in the room, people she assumed to be apart of Scott's pack because of their scents. But others she assumed to be some of her own packs parents.

Harriet placed a hand on newts shoulder telling newt to stand down, while sending a message through their pack bond. Reminding newt of Scott's pack. Newt looked over to lock eyes with a black haired male, quite tall and well built. Derek hale. Newt could see the way Derek was looking at Thomas, and it was making newt want to kill the man. That was his Tommy and his tommy only, not Derek Hales.

Newt was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Harriet taking action of the situation, allowing everyone to make introductions. Starting with the gladers then the icers then the scorchers and finally Scott McCalls pack.

The gladers all stood in a line, newt first followed by Thomas then minho, Gally, Teressa, Chuck, Winston and finally frypan.

Newt stood forward as their alpha, and began to speak.
"Names newt." Newt kept it short and simple he didn't want those bloody idiots knowing much about him.

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