70 | 𝘪'𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦

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"YOU said work for you. What do you mean?" Slade's the first of the two of us to answer; she sounds wary, confused, and afraid all at the same time. I look over at her quickly; her shoulders are rising, and her hand starts to creep towards my leg like Sasha will up and steal me off to Vegas otherwise.

"That would depend on what you want to do." Sasha sips her drink. "You two could be dancers if that's what you wanted — the girls are very sweet, you'd like them — but that's not the only option, you know? Bartenders, waitresses, masters for the casino; hell, if cleaning's more your style we've got janitor spots open!"

I look at her. Look at Slade, who still seems to be wary and on-edge. Her fingertips brush my leg as Sasha continues.

"Pay would depend on what you do, but it's...I don't cut corners with salary." She smiles softly. "Especially...when it comes to people like me. Empathy goes a long way. You don't...have to do it, but the offer is there if you're interested."

For the first time, Slade looks at me. Looks back at Sasha; looks at me. There's a look in her eyes I can't decipher; holding my gaze, she addresses Sasha.

"When do you need us to answer?"

Sasha shrugs. "I'm heading out the day after tomorrow."

"I thought you were here for Christmas?" I raise a brow and glance over at her; Sasha just blinks back, looking slightly amused.

"I am. That's why I'm going the day after tomorrow."

What? I pause; what day is it? I glance at Slade, and I glance at Sasha, and...oh, no.

"It's Christmas Eve, hon." Sasha tips her drink towards me. "I have to get back to Vegas for New Years; we have a big celebration down there, lots of partying and drinking and gambling. Loud, lively; oh, I miss it."

Exasperated, Sasha throws herself back against the booth, spilling half of her drink in the process; she pushes silken blonde locks away from her face, tips her chin down and looks at Slade and I with narrowed eyes.

"I'll be jumping on the three p.m train on the twenty-sixth." She gestures at us with her drink again. "Just let me know before then, hm? Obviously if you accept I'll cover your car fee and everything; consider it an employee benefit. Again, you don't have to accept by any means; you can say no and we can part ways here, you two go on wandering the country on your own. No offense taken. But if you want to get your feet down, get a new start, I'll have my phone on me."

Slade looks at me. There's a lot in her eyes, a lot; her hand tightens on my thigh as she studies me and then looks back at Sasha.

"We'll let you know. We should...go. We have to talk."

"Of course!" With a grandiose gesture Sasha successfully manages to spill the rest of her drink. "Of course, don't worry; you just let me know when you decide, and I'll get the rest sorted, okay? You two don't need to worry (it sounds like she's picking up a bit of a slurred accent) and you just go on home and celebrate, alright? I'll be celebrating all tomorrow but I'll have my phone on me all day, all day, you just call if you need anything — I could bring you two leftovers! I will bring you two leftovers! Just let me know what you want, what I should bring...you just let me know..."

Sasha's voice follows us as we leave the bar. It's a nice place, but it's too stifling; we get outside in the brisk winter air and Slade actually looks around for her bike before she remembers that Sasha's our ride, which now leaves us with a whole new issue of getting home. I pull my coat tighter, bite a chapped lip.

"Should we just wait for her?"

"M'not lettin' her drive us." She shoves her hands into her pockets as she turns and shuffles back towards me. "Prefer to get back to the hotel alive."

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