Bamboozle-Man's Simple Holiday

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It was a cold dusk in Fiction City. The city was lively as ever and a little bit more due to the holiday season. Heavy snow fell upon the city and clung to the roofs, streets, and sidewalks like its very life depended on it. Many people walked the streets bundled up in an assortment of warmth trapping clothing that protected them from the elements about them. They went about their business quickly, not just to keep themselves warm, but to also make up for the little time they had left. It was the twenty fourth of December, and everyone had their own self given tasks to do. Even a superhero. Sitting atop the edge of yet another tall building, his neck draped in a striped red and black scarf and his normally fingerless red gloves now having fingers of their own, sat Bamboozle-Man. Scribbling away on a small list with a white feather pen.

"Oookay. I think that's everyone. Doreen, we got what we need?" Doreen, Bamboozle-Man's trusty tophat, wiggled excitedly. A signifier that the hero's holiday plans were ready to be executed. "Alrighty then, let's get this seasonal show on the road! Hi-yup!" Bamboozle-Man teleported his list from his hand and into Doreen before teleporting away. Elsewhere in the one of the many hallways in Bamboozle-Man's apartment building where he suddenly appeared in his usual red puff of smoke. Though this time the "bamf' that accompanied his puff was complimented by the faintest noise of jingling sleigh bells "First stop. I hope he's thirsty."

Todd Barton

Bamboozle-Man knocked on the door of one Todd Barton and was soon met with the man himself. "Bamboozle-Man?" he said, with a confused look on his face. "Merry Christmas Eve!" Bamboozle-Man exclaimed, arms outstretched with excitement. Todd leaned against his door frame, half glad to see his friend and half anxious to see whatever tomfoolery he would no doubt bring into his home "Oh, yeah. Merry Christmas Eve to you too, man. What brings you by?" "I just wanted to drop some-" Before Bamboozle-Man could continue with his explanation, he saw the utter travesty that was Todd's apartment. It was the usual mess that Bamboozle-Man was used to. But there was a problem. There wasn't a single Christmas decoration in sight. "Uhhh, Todd?" Bamboozle-Man asked.

"Yes?" The dirt bike rider responded. Bamboozle-Man quickly teleported into the apartment, spurring the surprised Todd to close the door behind him. Bamboozle-Man walked around and inspected every inch of the apartment, looking for any kind of Christmas cheer. "Where are the Christmas decorations?" Todd winced a bit and sighed while rubbing the back of his head. "Oh. I....sort of forgot to put them up," he said, sounding akin to a young boy who forgot his school work. Bamboozle-Man's face scrunched up in frustration. "You forgot!? How do you forget Christmas!?", he scolded. Todd began to pace around Bamboozle-Man, trying to stay on the move so he'd be less easy to hit in case Bamboozle-Man decided to do something to him. "Well I tend to get a little neglectful with that kind of stuff when I'm whisked away on a crazy adventure every other day. Speaking of which. This isn't a start to another one of those adventures is it?", Todd said.

Bamboozle-Man brought himself down to a more calm demeanor. He had to remember why he was there. He just had a little extra to do now. "No. This'll be a quiet Christmas. But that doesn't get you off scott free for all this...nothing you got going on in here" he said. Todd sighed in defeat. "Fine. Do you mind helping me out?" Bamboozle-Man's face lit up with a litany of decoration ideas. "Mind? It'd be my pleasure! But what is a Christmas decorating sequence without some Christmas themed helpers and music?", he said.

Todd shrugged. "A normal one?", he replied. "Hahahaha! It's funny you think normal is an option with me at this point." Bamboozle-Man snapped his fingers and Christmas music began to play from an unknown source. He then walked over to the door leading to Todd's coat closet and opened it, unleashing a messy pile of Christmas decorations. Garlands, lights, spherical ornaments, the works. Todd stood on his tippy toes in an attempt to see the back of his now cluttered closet. "Do I even want to ask where my clothes are?", he asked.

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