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December 20th, 1994

First Person POV

I gripped my phone tighter as I walked along the cracked sidewalk, the cool winter air brisking my face. Watching cars pass and looking in nearby shops to see if anything was worth looking at. Until I flickered my gaze over to the playground across the street. I stopped in my tracks and squinted my eyes to look closer at something underneath one of the slide structures.

A look of realization and shock came across my face as I realized it was a person. I looked both ways before sprinting across the street and running towards to slide. I slowed my run down into a jog before I stopped when I got to my desired location. I bent down to get a closer look at the figure. A boy, medium brown curly hair, maroon sweater with gold accents and a necklace of tassels. As well as a brown leather satchel and a beret adoring his head. What surprised me the most where the pointy shape of his ears. Probably a worker for one of those Santa attractions that you see at the mall.

I hesitantly moved my hand to his shoulder and lightly shook it for about 3 seconds before stopping. I waited a few seconds before realizing that didn't work so I did it again slightly more aggressive and for about 5 seconds this time. I jumped back when the boy shot up hitting his head on the slide before groaning in pain. After him rubbing his forehead he glanced in my direction and looked at me with confusion.

"Who the hell are you?"


"Hey can you hear me I'm talking to you!"

"U-uhm Victoria, Victoria Morales."


He got up and looked around realizing where he was before looking down at me and holding a hand out. I grabbed it after blinking a few times and he pulled me up. Surprise he's taller than me, didn't shock me I was short for my age and I haven't grown since the last year of middle school. I backed up a few steps before dusting my butt off. Bernard doing the same. I looked down at my feet until I decided to ask him a question about one of his physical features.

"So uh are you supposed to be an elf or..."

He looked at me with a look that screamed 'is this bitch for real' which made me purse my lips and blink. 

"What does it look like Midgie. It seems your brain is the same size as you."

I put an offended look on my face and glared at him. His eyes darted to the right before looking back at me and asking a question that made me do a double take.

"Well let's not stand here in the cold any longer let's head to your place."


I put the most confused expression on my face until he grabbed my waist pulling me flush against his body. I closed my eyes due to the impact and put my hands on his shoulders. A few second went by until I decided to open my eyes, my pupils dilating due to the intensity of light. I looked around and noticed the layout of the room which was identical to mine. My eyes widened upon realizing we were in my actual room.


He sighed.

"I'm an elf I have magic gee how insufferable can one human be..."

"Okay...and why are you here..."

"Well Midgie, It seems I can't get back to the north pole due to a magic shortage so I'm stuck with you for a while."

I stared at him with my jaw dropped slightly and widened eyes.

'Be Fucking For Real Right Now.'


Well theres the prolouge. I'm kinda going through something right now so I'll try to upload as much as possible so sorry for no update progress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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