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"What's wrong, Soviet?" She asked, with a smirk on her face

Words that should not go out were in her mouth ready to stab, and surely not good things were flying and having fun in her mind prepared to crash upon his feelings

His now weak and poor feelings

He was leaning against the wall trying to support his own bodyweight

His gasps of pain were like music to her ears

"Oh~ Don't tell me, it hurts?" She faked a surprised and kinda worried expression

The man moaned at how painfully his life was being taken...
His love was increasing, something quite disgusting

'It's incredibly how much you like pain... How can you love me now? I'm killing you... On purpose'

She sighed

"You know... Your child made the same sounds when you threw him against the wall... "
She started saying, he started falling

He fell slowly, his back slide down the wall till the big body of his touched the floor

"You didn't stop, not even when his little face was covered in fresh blood... "
She continued

His body stoped moving
He could not longer move, not even a single finger
His body just didn't respond

"S... Stop"
He whispered with his last sight of energy

"Not then, not when you hit him on the ground several times till he fell unconscious. Not when you obliged him to eat dark snake poisonous meat for a week. Not when you locked him in a little room with wild wolves, with no sun light, for a month... So, why should I stop now?"
She asked, pretty serious
She wasn't joking, but, she wasn't giving him a chance to save himself either

The question did not need of an answer
Good thing, since he couldn't have gave her one

He couldn't breathe anymore, his body was destroying itself

'All for love' She thought

A tear fell from his chick to his chin

She smiled victorious
He loved how she smiled
She knew it

'Kind of... pathetic?' She asked herself, before kneeling in front of the sovietic

"Thanks for the love"
Was the last thing the tall, terrible, monstruos, and cold sovietic heard before dying for love

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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