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No one's P.O.V
"Ahh it's so boring~i thought we can join in the event" Sana said laying in the bed with her tummy "Let's go to school" Jeongyeon said "Did you forget? HM said no teachers allowed right now" Jihyo said

"Let's just wait and relax, it's just a simple event" Chaeyoung said and close her eyes while smiling

(in school)

"I didn't eat lunch hayst" Lisa said holding her tummy "Oh i ate mine early" Jisoo said and look at Y/N "Mine too" Y/N said and Lisa pout "Hey someone want to share food? I'm really hungry" Lisa asked "I have a sandwich" one of the girls said "I have a cookies that i buy into one of the booth" and the girl said

They give her food and Lisa said thank you, she eat while Y/N is staring at nothing "Yah Ms.Y/N" IU called and Y/N look at her "What is that in your neck?" She asked and Y/N's eyebrow raised, Jisoo immediately walk to her direction and put the hair back

"Eh? WHO BITE YOU?" Jisoo asked and look at Y/N "Oh Yeah before i forget, actually they catch me and put me in...... Bite booth" she said and the students jaw drop "You have bite booth too? That's so weird" IU said and look at Y/N "How many bite mark you have?" Lisa asked

"Umm three i guess" Y/N said unsure, she show the bite in her arm and legs "They bite you in the legs?" IU asked Shockley "Are you blind or what? You can totally see right?" Jisoo said and rolled her eyes "Thankfully they didn't put me in kissing booth or else, I'm full of their disgusting saliva" Y/N said

"If i know that i should join" IU said and lick her lips "Can i bite you too?" IU asked innocently "No you can't" Jisoo said, and IU shrugged "Ok, how about i tell to them you are here so i can bite you too?" She said and Lisa's eyes widen "No don't you dare" Jisoo warn "One bite three life easy" IU said and cross her legs "Fine don't bite me so hard" Y/N said and put her left arm in front of IU "You sure?" Jisoo asked "I don't mind getting bite, they already did it anyways and to save our ass too" Y/N said

"Thank you my baby~I'm going to kgive ou kisses~" Lisa said "I would like to bite you, but can i decide where?" IU said and Y/N look hesitant "You are crossing the line Ms.Lee" Jisoo said "Ok Ok just do it fast" Y/N said and IU immediately pulled her to sit in her lap, Jisoo about to take Y/N but the girls block her raising their eyebrows

IU about to unbutton her uniform but Y/N hold her hand "This is not in the deal" she said coldly "I can't bite your shoulder if i see it" IU said and unbutton the two buttons she saw a gauze in the right shoulder and look at Y/N, she about to asked what happened but Y/N push her in the other shoulder "Just bite the other one" she whisper in IU's ear and IU bite it, Y/N hold her head and close her eyes tight

'I'm going to make it visible until tomorrow to make the teacher see this' IU said in her mind and bite harder until it bleed "E-enough its hurt" Y/N said "Y-YAH ENOUGH" Jisoo said and IU pulled away and look at the masterpiece, she lick her lips and smirk

Y/N stand up holding her shoulder "You bitch" Jisoo said when she got a hold in IU's uniform, IU just chuckle "I just want to feel how to do that we don't have that type of event in our school" IU said innocently "Unnie enough of that" Y/N said and wipe the blood in her shoulder using her handkerchief then button her uniform

IU just smile teasingly, Jisoo push her and stand in the door "What time is it?" Y/N asked "I don't have my phone with me" Lisa said "It's 15:20" one of the girl said "We can go home now" Y/N said and sigh "We survive" Lisa said happily "Minjoo chat me" Y/N said "She survive too?" Jisoo asked and Y/N nod "She's in the Gold classroom" she said

"How are we going to leave without them seeing us?" Lisa asked "President Min said there's no one in the back because the students focus to the event and there's a hole behind the bush she's going to wait us there and the time is just right" Y/N said

"I want to go home now I'm so tired, so let's do this" Jisoo said and open the door and peek outside, she signal and go out "None" she whisper and the three president walk in the hall way without a single sound

"Hahaha and you know that we like woah"

"Yeah yeah so shut it hahaha"

The three President hide in the stairs before going down to the gold classroom, they open it and close silently "President Min?" Y/N called "Oh she is here hiding" Point of one student "President Let's leave show the way" Y/N said and Minjoo nod

Minjoo open the window and look right and left before jumping down and the three President following her they walk silently in the bush and found a hole in the wall, they enter there one by one and successfully escape

"I'll call my limo" Lisa said "Oh yeah i forget i don't have phone" she said "Oh you can ride on mine" Minjoo said and point to her Limo, when they finally ride in the Limo they immediately leave "I'm pity to the two President, tsk, tsk" Lisa said "I s-saw them in the kissing booth their face and clothes is full of lipsticks" Minjoo said "They catch them so fast, i thought they can run fast enough because they are tall" Lisa said and laugh

"Well i can't blame them they put Y/N in the biting booth" Lisa said and Minjoo's eyes widen looking at Y/N "A-are you alright?" Minjoo asked and Y/N just nod "I escape but they rip my blazer, oh my poor blazer" Y/N said and Lisa chuckle "We are glad they didn't catch you" Jisoo said to Minjoo "Actually they did catch me" Minjoo said "They about to put me in love booth tho, but i said i need to pee so that's when i escape" Minjoo said

"Ms.Presidents if you don't mind me asking" Minjoo said "We don't mind and, hey you can call us in our names when we are not in school, feel free Min-Min" Y/N said and smile "O-oh" Minjoo said and blush to the sudden nickname "Yes Minjoo we are glad to be your friend" Jisoo said and chuckle "O-Ok thank you, how did you survive?" Minjoo asked and Lisa sigh

"Long story~"


The end of this book is near haha
Sorry for the late late late update I'm just so busy

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