The lantern

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After we returned to Beacon academy where we had to give our report to Ozpin. Ugh, just thinking about see him in that office with all of that authority and attitude. Well he won't have it for long.

Wait what am I thinking? And where did that even come from? Well whatever I'll deal with it later. After we finally gave our report and give him the lantern, I went back to my room and thought about what happened in the tomb.

Niko: I punched Weiss? That doesn't make any sense. I would remember something like that. So why is it I can't remember anything after I picked up the lantern?

There was a knock on my door. I didn't want to answer it but I know that whoever's behind it is just gonna stay there until I open it. So I just might as well look. Oh and what a surprise, it's the blonde bimbo with her bracers on. Rrr, she doesn't deserve those. I'll get them from her at some point.

Gah! There it is again, I seriously need to figure out what the hell is going on. But first, what does she want.

*3rd POV*

Niko: What do you want.

Yang: I want to know why punched Weiss?!

Niko: I don't know. I don't even remember what happened. After I picked up the lantern everything went blank.

Yang: And you think I'm going to excuse that because you can't remember?!

Niko: tch! Not like you would do it for anything less.

Yang: What is that supposed to mean!

Niko: It means THIS!!!

Niko then suddenly punches her in the face. Sending her to the ground and against the wall. She felt her face hurt really bad. As if it was most definitely bruised. She was then picked up by her jacket and slammed against the wall. Niko's eyes held angry and fury. Yang was honestly scared by the sight.

Niko: I... am done with yours and the others bullshit. I am sick of ALL OF YOU!! Constantly attacking me for no fucking reason!! All I ever did was try to be friends with someone and WHAT DO I GET!!! A BUNCH OF WHORES AND COCK SUCKERS WHO DO NOTHING BUT BREAK MY BONES EVERYDAY TO THE POINT WHERE I CAN'T EVEN DO SHIT WITH MY OWN BODY IF IT GETS BROKEN AGAIN!!! Do you know what that's like to constantly have pins jammed into your skeleton to keep it together and your skin cut open from to surgery!! NO!!! Because you're the reason for it!! So if you have anything else for me, say it now. Other than that. GET!! THE HELL!! AWAY FROM MY ROOM!!!!

Niko then threw her down to the floor. Yang looked up at him, slightly trembling in fear as Niko stared back. Taking heavy breaths from anger. He then walked back into his room and slammed the door. Making Yang jump.

Niko walked to his bed and sat down. He then started to think about what happened. Now Yang is probably going to make up some elaborate lie and story to make him the bad guy. Probably something worse than what actually. He groaned and ran his hands through his hair. With tears almost escaping.

Niko: it's... it's not fair...

???: you're right... it'ssss not fair... ssso why don't you make it fair...

Niko looked around the room for the voice that spoke to him. He suddenly got a burning sensation on his hand. The back of it started to glow as bright orange markings began to form a symbol.

 The back of it started to glow as bright orange markings began to form a symbol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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