🔪Yandere!Kevin x Reader

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Suggested by yaemikospartner!
i had alot of fun with this one the prompt you gave was IMMACULATE 

fluff --> angst --> holy shit kevin is a master manipulator --> fluff


"God... Two more hours of this..." Kevin thought out loud, clearly exasperated [woah look at me trying  to use big fancy words]. No customers sat within the small candy shop, none outside either. Kevin sighed, quickly going to the storage room of the shop and grabbing a clean towel and some cleaning liquid. He went back to the front of the store and began idly cleaning the counter top. The bell to the store rang, resulting in him slightly jumping. Kevin quickly threw the cleaning spray and towel onto the floor and folded his hands awkwardly infront of the person. They chuckled lightly, clearly amused by Kevin's reaction. His face grew a light shade of red. "Hi! Can i get a small bag of [favorite candy] please!" They smiled warmly at Kevin. He stood in disbelief for about a minute or so, his face still slightly red. "Uhh... Hey?" The person waved their hand infront of Kevin's face. "Yes, Yes! Sorry, long night, yknow. That'll be $3." He awkwardly chuckled, quickly grabbed a small brown bag  from behind the counter and filling it with the candy. He smiled softly and handed it to the person on the other side of the counter, in return they paid him. "Oh! Actually it was only 3..." He said, trailing off as he counted the money. "Eh, i felt generous." Kevin's face once again warmed and turned a dark shade of red. "T-Thanks!" They turned and waved. "Wait!" "Hm?" The person turned their head back towards Kevin. "I didn't get your name-" He said, fiddling with his hands infront of the person. "It's Y/N. And you?" They smiled warmly. "Kevin." He returned the smile.

He didn't know what it was about them that made him feel this way, but he wanted more... no... he NEEDED more of them. their intoxicating smile... their kind words... their generosity... He wanted it all to himself. For nobody else but him. He needed them.

Y/N yawned and stretched as they awoke from their sleep. They rubbed their eyes as they got up from the warm comfort of their bed, quickly making their way to the kitchen of their small apartment. They felt slightly uneasy, paranoid even, but they shook it off as they poured themself a bowl of cereal. They devoured the bowl immediately, barely even tasting the sugary goodness that it contained. They placed the bowl in the sink and made their way back to their phone. Y/N unplugged their phone from its charger, and quickly checked the notifications; they had a message from someone! No, not just anyone; Streber, the person they had liked for a while now. A wide grin crept across their face as they jumped into their bed with their phone, quickly messaging him back

y/nnnnnnnnn wanna hang out soon?????

Yeah ofc!!

'streb' is typing...

Y/N anxiously waited for a few seconds, putting down their phone for a second, only to hear it buzzing uncontrollably soon afterwards.

well im running a haunted hous 2night since its halloween :DDD
you can come!!!!!!!
ill be on the porch welcoming people sooooooo

Yeah ofc sounds great! :D

Y/N kicked their feet and squealed, bursting with excitement.  They got ready immediately, throwing together an easy costume so they wouldn't be out of place.

time skip bc its late saudijksdajksodsosds and im tired

"Welcome to the hauntiest of houses, gentlemen!" Y/N heard a familiar voice as they walked up to the haunted house. "As you can see... I am a REAL vampire!" You watched from a distance as Streber was entertaining two young children; a skeleton and a pumpkin. He glanced at you for a brief second and then looked back down towards the young kids, "Now go inside and get SCARED!" Streber wiggled his fingers and watched as they quickly went inside. He looked back over to you, and you began to walk towards him. The two of you converged [omg another big word look at me go], and you pulled him into a hug. He hugged you back, but inevitably let go, "It's good to see you, Y/N!!" He gushed excitedly. "Right back at'cha." They smiled warmly and then glanced up towards the large house. "Mind if i go in and check it out?" Streber quickly nodded, "Of course!" Y/N smiled and went inside, looked around and laughing at the little jumpscares the house held. They heard screaming from outside but assumed it was special effects... that was until-

The flashing red and blue lights filled the outside of the house, sirens could be heard from miles away. Tears streamed down Y/N's face. It had been a huge blur of events ever since they had stepped foot into the large house. All they remembered was that when they came outside of the haunted house, Streber was lying on the ground gushing blood; one of his arms was missing and he was stuttering in pain. They had called the ambulance, only to be too late. Tears continuously streamed down Y/N's face like a river- never will they forget the image of their best friend lying on the ground in such terrible pain.

Things had never been the same after that night. "Hey, Y/N." Kevin warmly greeted his favorite customer as they stepped foot into the small candy shop once again. "Hey, Kev." They forced a small smiled. The past couple of weeks had been extremely hard for Y/N; the dread and grief had practically chained them down ever since Streber had gone. Kevin knew that, he knew they were in a world of sorrow. He didn't care less about what happened, hell, he could care less if that Streber guy suddenly fell of the face of the earth- if anything he was happy Streber was dead! But there was one thing he cared about... His moon was in a world of mental and emotional pain, and he couldn't just watch that. For the past few weeks he'd been taking care of them... making sure they'd eat a good meal, get enough sleep, shower, anything. He loved every moment of being with them, making them feel dependent on him. He thrived for their dependence on him, the fact they needed him to practically survive. "Hey, Kev... I just wanted to say- thank you so much for being there for me." They beamed happily. He nodded, returning the smile that Y/N had gave him. "Do you wanna, maybe, go out sometime? As in, a date?" Y/N gushed, and their face warmed to a soft shade of pink. "I'd love nothing more." He grinned.

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