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After an hour they were out of the apartment, Namjoon was driving and Jungkook talked to down mom. They didn't acknowledge how time passed and they reached Seokjin's home. Namjoon patiently listened to Jungkook's gossip about his work and the staff in the company.

Jungkook wasn't surprised when He witnessed Tae beside Jin because Joon had already told him about his presence also it was a good thing that yoongi was there too. They spent time chit-chatting till the dinner was ready.

After finishing dinner Jennie and Tae helped Jin clean the kitchen. Jungkook walks in holding an ice cream bowl. Joon holds his hand from behind and takes a bowl and keeps it away.

Yoongi yelled from the living room that it was playing time, which was truth and dare. Jin served alcohol to everyone and explained the rules and the rule was to say the truth otherwise drink the shots. Jin revolves the bottle and stops at yoongi, he picks the truth but he regrets it as Jin asks who he's dating right now.

Yoongi answered that he's planning on proposing to his best friend because after getting cheated he doesn't believe anybody.

After that, it's tae turn and Yoongi asked " Who was your first love's interest?" and he drank the shot in one gulp.

The game was going on with fun questions until Tae asked Namjoon a question.

"Who is the most special one in your life?"

Namjoon as usual delivers a confusing one-liner reminiscing about yoongi, jin, tae then jungkook because he doesn't whom to pick. Everyone is special for him and if he picked Jungkook, his hyung gonna kick his ass tomorrow.

" The one who loves me the most," Joon said confidently.

They all looked happy with the answer. The next time the Bottle stops at Jungkook and he picks the truth.

" Why you haven't come out yet? That's you're gay?"

No. He's bisexual. He finishes double alcohol shots instead of answering. He looked angry but didn't say anything, he didn't want to ruin the mood. But Namjoon isn't going to take it easy.

"That's not a question to ask in a game. Taehyung. it's his personal choice though." Jin said as can feel how it's made jungkook and Nam awkward.

" I am just concerned hyung. What if he has a girlfriend in Busan? What if he's fooling Joon hyung? We don't know him fully. " tae explained.

" Enough Taehyung. You're speaking bullshit." Namjoon said defending jungkook. the smirk on Tae's face pissed him off. He wanted to punch him in the face. Joon doesn't like the question or the Tae's intention.

" I think it's time to stop the game now," Yoongi announced.

" Baby... let's go. The game is over."

Jungkook didn't seem convinced and he was about to open his mouth but he just gripped his wrist and dragged him out, Jungkook had to follow him. Jungkook glanced back at his hyung and mouthed SORRY.

the whole ride was dead silent. Namjoon asked if Jungkook wanted water but he denied instead he asked for beer which he had seen in the refrigerator. However, he refused because they already had drunk in Jin's house.

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