Chapter 1: A Night to Remember

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Hi, Everyone! This is my first ever story so it would mean a lot if you gave me feedback telling me if you liked it or not. I'm also all ears for suggestions :) if youre reading this thank you! Anyways, ENJOY!

- Rachel xx

Copyrighted - All Rights Reserved 2013

Chapter 1

The pounding of the bass shakes the whole two-story house, making me wonder if the house’s structure is sturdy enough to hold itself up. I step over red solo cups and empty beer bottles strewn across the hardwood floor, trying to stay clear of the sweat drenched bodies dancing in rhythm to the too loud music blasting from the huge speakers on each wall. 

I can’t believe Tanzie dragged me to this “small get together” as she had said it would be. ‘Never going anywhere with her again’ I sigh inwardly. Tanzie and I have been best friends since middle school; Tanzie, always being the gorgeous, popular girl that got along with everyone, and me being the shy, closed off bookworm.

I pull my too short, black skirt that barely covers my butt down, trying to make myself feel less self-conscious. Well that’s a lost cause. I can’t believe Tanzie forced me into this “skirt” that could easily pass as a belt. Don’t even get me started on the aqua blue, sleeveless scoop neck shirt that clings to my body, making me feel as though I’m wearing some sort of straight jacket.

Tanzie is no where to be found, so I’m left alone to fend for myself against these animals, who are also known as my fellow classmates. Standing up on a chair to try to locate the wavy, perfectly styled blonde locks that belong to Tanzie, I swivel my head around, surveying the massive crowd. Suddenly, a dancing mass of muscle with a mop of red hair bumps into my chair, causing me to topple off. Squeezing my eyes shut, I wait to feel the hard ground collide with my small frame. But it never comes. Instead, I am met with a firm, fleshy cussion. My eyes fly open and I’m face to face with a pair of captivating green eyes. Wow I think to myself. I then realize that the owner of these emerald green eyes, is holding me bridal style. Feeling a bit disoriented, I clear my throat, indicating for him to put me down and he complies. I can’t help but feel empty without his touch. Hmm… weird. 

“Thank you, umm…” 

“Harry.” He finishes.

“Well uh thanks, Harry.” I say, trying to keep cool. I was never good with talking to guys.

“Anytime, love.” He replies with a wink. He then spins on his heel and disappears into the crowd, leaving me on my own, dumbfounded with wide eyes. A pink flush makes its way onto my face and I look down trying to suppress the blood flow to my cheeks. I shake my head, pushing away all thoughts of his chestnut brown, curly locks, his fascinating green eyes that I seem to get lost in, his perfectly sculpted, moistened lips that would fit like a puzzle to mine… ahhhh hell. I barely know the guy! For all I know he could be some creepy pervert that would do anything in his power to get in a girl’s pants. Snap out of it, Effy! I scold myself. Turning around I see a familiar blonde making her way towards me, red solo cup in one hand and the other towing a very good looking latino guy, with dark hair that covered one of his chocolate brown eyes. 

“EFFY!” Tanzie exclaims, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. She’s obviously drunk. Drunk Tanzie = a lot of hugging, and when I say a lot of hugging, I mean A LOT. By the end of the night I wouldn’t be surprised if she caught some sort of disease from hugging everyone, and let me tell you, some people at this party did not have proper hygiene.

“Hey, Tanz.” I say with an exasperated sigh.

“Hey, gurrrrrllll.” She slurs out, looking unstable on her high heeled feet. “This is Juan.” She says pointing to the latino guy behind her, with a giggle. 

I roll my eyes and give Juan a nod instead of a proper greeting. “Come on, Tanzie we should probably get you home.”

“NO!” She yells then runs off into the sea of people with Juan, avoiding my responsible self. Urghhh. It’ll take ages to find her again. 

“Hello, Elizabeth.” A creepy voice whispers in my ear, making my skin crawl. I twist around to face Brier (A/N pronounced like BRI-er). Ughh I can’t deal with this right now. Brier is the only guy that has ever taken interest in me, but I couldn't be any less thrilled. Ever since 6th grade, every Friday he's written me a poem and slipped it into my locker. I don’t even look at them anymore, instead they go straight into the trash. 

“Did you enjoy today’s poem, my lovely Jungle Nymph?” He says with a frightening gleam in his eyes.

“Uh yeah it was great, Brier," I lie, "and could you please call me Effy like everyone else?” The only person that calls me Elizabeth is my psycho mother, and I'd like to keep it that way.

“I’m glad you took pleasure in it and calling you Elizabeth makes me feel unique knowing that I'm the only one calling you that.” Ha ha. Like he needs to be anymore unique.

“Yeah ok…Um I uh need to go do uh something. Bye.” I quickly try to scramble away from his eerie presence.

“Uh, uh, uh, Elizabeth, not so fast.” He scolds, shaking his head, “Let me grab you a drink.”

“I really shouldn’t.” I protest.

“Nonsense, one drink won’t hurt.” He assurts. Not wanting to get on his bad side, I reluctantly agree. He pours some vodka into a red solo cup for me while I turn around to inspect the crowd. The party still seems like it’s in full swing. I turn back around to see him eagerly handing the plastic cup to me. I grab it and down the whole thing. I’m not a big drinker but I’m going to need some alcohol in my system if I have to deal with him all night.

“Let’s dance.” He says firmly.

“No, it’s ok.” I say trying to reject him nicely. He grabs my wrist harshly and drags me to the designated dance floor in the middle of the large living room. He lets go of my wrist and I notice the red imprint of his grip. I’m starting to feel really uncomfortable as he trails his fingertips down my back, thankfully stopping above my butt. All of a sudden, a wave of dizziness and nausea overcomes me. I see my vision blurring and my legs start to give out and I fall onto Brier.

He smirks and says “Tiss tiss, Elizabeth, don’t you know that you’re never supposed to take your eyes off of a person who is pouring your drink. They could easily put something in it.” I gasp. He drugged me?! I have to find Tanzie! Using all of the strength I can muster, I push him away, but he doesn’t budge. Shit. He grabs my waist and yanks me up the steps into a dark secluded bedroom. Well, this can’t be good.

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