(HC!) Kevin x reader

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Requests are coming out slowly but while you wait have Kevin.

- He gets pretty annoyed easily.

- He touch deprived HE NEEDS YOUR TOUCH.

- somewhat of a tsundere you know what forget it he is a tsundere.

- He's an over thinker he can't do stuff with out think what's go to happen if he does it.

- hates being jumped scared, if you do jump scare him he will most likely punch you in the stomach.

- if he does he will apologize alot for it, he might even start crying.

- he rants about skid and pump on how annoying they are to him, you just sit there and listen to him.

- He's kinda touchy when he's jealous and he'll get mad easily.

- He likes it when you cuddle with him bouns points if you do it in your sleep.

- He doesn't sleep well so when you cuddle him it makes it better for him to sleep.

- Tells you all the wired stuff that happens when he's working, yet again another rant you listen to him talk about.

- Hes somewhat very shy when it comes to romantic stuff, he'll most ltbe stuttering and playing with his fingers.

- He giggles when you compliment him, if you keep doing it he'll just tell you to stop it or hide his fa e from embarrassment.

- He's a dog person.

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