Chapter 1

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Carter Frost was a broken one. He was a farmer in a tale long ago. If I remember correctly, he was quite the fruit farmer. His land was a forest of trees, bushes, and vines. One day he fell in love with a beautiful woman. Princess..

"Princess Violette of Speramare!" The loud cheers are deafening as she walks out onto the balcony waving happily to the subjects below her. Anyone would be cheering if they saw her. Her elegant light hair was flying in the wind, waves of ocean. Her maid did her hair up all nice and well, but Princess Violette looked in the mirror disgusted. A princess is thyself she thought as she took it down. She was still beautiful. Her dress was navy blue and white. Of course, if anyone stopped to get a good look at her face you could see she was absolutely hating all of this. Dressing up, styling her hair, being princess. Every single bit of it. Carter Frost saw it. Princess Violette saw he saw it. It was the beginning of something beautiful.

They had many secret meetings after the day they met their eyes. The first was a stroll through Frost's fruit fields. Princess Violette had taken time to learn who he was and where he lived. He had taken it as the greatest compliment and invited her in immediately. "Princess Violette!"

"Please, Carter. Call me Vie." And yes, Vie was quite the challenge. They walked and shared their sorrows and events. They were two kids in high school sharing drama.

The second meeting was again at Frost's home. "When will I see your gardens?"

"Soon, Carter." The princess would then go along humming a song from her head admiring the lemon trees and eating raspberries from the previous row of fruit. He was slowly falling in love and he knew it.

The day they met in the gardens of the castle, Vie was embarrassed. "My gardens aren't as enchanting as your fields of fruit."

"No Vie, they're more enchanting than mine." She would smile and shake her head then walk ahead a few feet. She would find a guard and quickly hide behind the trees. She would pull him in and squeeze his hand for luck that he wouldn't find them. That was always the walk in the castle gardens.

It had been years later now and this day he felt powerful emotions. He had them for a while, but that very moment, he couldn't hold them in any longer. "Vie!"

She jumped up in surprise and ran to hide. Usually this tome of voice meant guards were coming.

"No, Vie. I had to know."

"Know what?" Curiosity was mixing with confusion now in her voice.

"Will you marry me? I would give anything! Anything for you to be my queen."

"Carter Frost.. You ask me to marry you now. Of all times, now. It's too late, Carter." Her eyes fill with tears before she finishes her thought. "Leave the gardens now! Do not expect me next Sunday for our walks. She walks away leaving him the confused one now, but broken even more so.

Carter Frost was unsure of what had happened, but he was a twisted man so the simplest thing could bring out his maddened side and this was it.

He persevered finding a moment with Vie. One moment is all he needed, but not enough for what he wanted. But he would take that moment if it was the only thing. If he had nothing, no time, then he would find it. Make it. What he had to do would be done.

He tried coming to her castle. Where else could he start? Naturally they wouldn't allow him in the front gate so he tried calling her name so she would step outside and he'd see her. She had stepped out onto her balcony once unknowing who the voice belonged to, but walked back inside after finding it Carter. He climbed through the window once and lingered around for her to come to her chambers. She screeched at the sight of him and guards immediately came in after him and took him off the premises. The castle was more heavily guarded after that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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