Chapter Nine

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The slight knock on the door gets my attention. I breathe out loudly feeling my nerves building up. I quickly turn off the gas and head to the door.

I hope it's Tripp. I need help setting up the table and most especially, I just him to be here for emotional support which I know I will need.

I sweep the strands of hair coming out from my ponytail to the back before I twist the door knob to open it.

Although it's not the person I am expecting at the moment, I feel a big smile spread across my face as I see my sister.

I take a quick scan of Daisy. She looks pretty much the same. Long thick curls, brown eyes, high cheekbones, perfect face, and long legs. One thing about Daisy, she never looks anything short of perfect.

I stretch my arms wide as I draw Daisy in for a hug. It's an uncomfortable hug and I am sure she feels it. I breathe in her scent, hoping to catch any trace of home.

Do I even remember what home smells like?

Daisy releases herself from the hug. "Hey," She says adjusting her backpack.

"Hey," I say with an awkward chuckle. At this point, I notice the pumpkin pie that Daisy is holding in her hand. "You didn't have to," I say, gesturing at the pie.

"Oh," Daisy looks down at the pie, remembering she is holding something. She hands it to me. "Mum made it, she said I should say I bought it from a supermarket but once you have a taste of it, you will definitely know it's mum." She pauses. "Well, that's if you can still remember the taste."

My heart warms at the idea of my mum making the pie. I miss her cooking. "Of course, I can still remember," I say looking down at it with a big smile on my face.

Mum was thinking of me, even after all these years. That means she doesn't hate me, right?

I look up at my sister who's standing in front of me awkwardly. "Oh, come on in." I usher her into the house.

I walk ahead of her to the kitchen, where I place the pie on the counter.

I walk back into the sitting room to see Daisy scanning the small apartment. I think I can decode what's going on in her head through the condensing look on her face. She is probably thinking how the apartment is almost the exact size of their bedroom back at home.

I smile, and I know I will have to keep smiling so this weekend can go great. All that matters right now is that she gets to spend time with her little sister. Build a bond they never had.

"Your apartment looks cute," Daisy says with a small smile. "You stay here with your boyfriend?"

She has never called Tripp by this name, and it always pisses me off.

"Tripp? Yeah. He is joining us for dinner tonight." I say as my eyes are on the door.

Where the fuck is he?


I think I just had the most awkward dinner. Small talks here and there, it's like we are strangers, not sisters. I am so mad at Tripp; he was supposed to be here hours ago. He knows how important this dinner was to me and still, he didn't show up.

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