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~2nd P.O.V.~

You were in your room alone.

Your parents were out to get groceries, while you stayed home finishing a drawing in your sketchbook. You hear the front door open and close. "Y/n! We're home!" you hear your mother call. You got up from your bed and rush downstairs with your sketchbook in hand. "Hi, mom. Hi, dad." you greet your parents as you lift your drawing in their faces, "Look what I did!  It took me some time to finish, but it looks great, doesn't it?" you say, in attempt to get a positive answer. Instead, they stare at it in confusion. You start to worry. "Um... It looks nice, dear! W-what is it?" Your mom says. "It's me! See?" You respond. "So it is... who are the people around you?" your dad questions. "Well, they're obviously wonderland characters." You hear a voice behind your parents which startels you.                  

~1st P.O.V.~

It's grandma! Man, am I happy she's here. Grandma always comes to our house twice a week. She always adores my art, so I know I'll get a better reaction to my drawing from her than what I got from my parents. "Grandma! You're back!!" I yell. "Of course I am, love. I couldn't wait to see you and your creative little projects you work on." She says. "Speaking of which, that drawing is a lovely one, Y/n." She compliments. Grandma knows exactly what to say. She told me when she was in school, she won class artist in the yearbook. She had all A's in all of her art based classes. She sculpted, painted, sketched, etc. She's the real reason why I started doing what I do now. My grandma is an inspiration to me. "Thanks, gram." I respond.

~An hour later~

Me and grandma were on the couch watching the 1951 Alice in Wonderland. I suggested the 2010 version first, but she insisted looking at the older one. "Hey, watcha watching guys?" Mom comes with cookies. As grandma and I took two, I say, "Alice in wonderland." "Again? You've watched it all week. Aren't you tired?" "No, besides this isn't the newest one, this is the old, 1951 version." I say. Mom looks confused. That isn't new. 

~2nd P.O.V.~

Your mother then walks up the stairs to the bedroom with the rest of the cookies in her hand. You notice that your grandma was falling asleep, so you pick up your phone knowing you finally have a chance to check your messages. "Are you sure she's the right Y/n?" you hear someone say. You look up to see Hatter, the Wise Hare, and the Door Mouse speaking strangely out of their original lines.                                                                                                                                                   

'Are they...talking about..me?' you wonder.

"Of course she is!! At least that's what Alice had said." says the Wise Hare as he points directly at you. They all look towards you. You start to get nervous.

There was silence...

Suddenly, they start freaking out. "AAAH!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SHE WAS WATCHING?!"   The Hatter screams at the Wise Hare. "I-I didn't know!! What do we do?" He says. You watch Hatter ponder as you grew more amazed. He then lifts his finger in the air signaling he's come up with an idea. He takes his hat off and starts digging as if he were searching for something. Finally, he pulls out a plate. 'A plate? Really? There's a lot more on the table.' you thought. {A/N: That's wonderland for you.} "With this-" Hatter says, "we'll simply just..."


You then suddenly black out...

A/N: Wow, first page done! I hope you enjoyed it! Again, if you have any advice on writing stories then please let me know. See you on the next page!

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