My Special(🖤)

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This was Requested By: Anonymous

⚠️Triggering Chapter⚠️

My little Woogie~~

I hear the woman Call my name......i have no idea who she is......Well...I do but we never talked but Shes Completely insane

She Makes Me Follow Orders And If We Go out in public she will put this shock collar on my neck if i make anything suspicious she will torture me by putting it on the highest setting

I rather Suffer from that then get beaten.....Whenever she does it hurts like hell.....

Her Name is Soyeon.....Yeah Shes Pretty and all but dont let her face fool you.....I Did....And this is where i am....

Soyeon:"Baby~~.....Look what i got you"

I look up to see her holding a Sweater with her name on it

I didn't even need to figure out what it ment it was obviously a couple shirt or sweater whatever you call it

Soyeon:"Isn't it pretty.....i even got myself one Now we can go out looking cute!!"

She Laughs And sits on my lap and clings on to me

I couldn't do much cause she has me tied up to a chair......

She kissed my cheek

Soyeon:"Im bringing...-.....actually im cooking something special for you tonight......but i'll be gone remember.....Don't try to escape i got eyes everywhere even my guards Know"


i forgot to mention.....Shes Extremely Rich because she is one of the high ranking Staff In The Company we both work in

Im not stupid its true she has Guards out there one time i tryed to leave One of The Guards Tryed to Help but Soyeon found out and shot him brutally in the head in front of the other guards i also got a heavy beating from it to......Now the guards are afraid of getting caught trying to help me escape So they don't try it anymore

Sitting in this room is no fun......Basically when shes gone im tied up But when shes here she lets me roam around the place but there's not much to do cause she took my phone and the house phone away......And Locked all the windows and doors so i can never smell the fresh air again.....Unless were out in public

After waiting and waiting.....I feel Dizzy.....Well Sleepy head goes side to side my eyes Attempted to close on me

the door slams open

Soyeon:"Baby!! Im back!!"

She pecks my lips i obviously give it to her back i don't want a beating

Soyeon:"Lets get this off"

Soyeon Unties me And Drags me to the living room

Soyeon:"Sit on the couch while i make you my special food!!"

I Smell this Awful Smell i don't think much of it cause its probably a dead body she forgot to dispose of.......

That reminds me.....Even if i do escape somehow....i won't have anywhere to go ...... Plus My Little Sister Shuhua would be In Great Danger......Im Not putting her through that Hell no Especially not Her Wife and Kid......oh how i miss my nephew......After Shuhua and Soojin Adopted him He Had the same Crackhead energy we both had but hes also very mature like his Momma Soojin......

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