Getting to Know Them

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"My children Aonung, Y/n, and Tsireya will show you around" said Tonowari as he motioned his hand toward us. Tsireya and I put polite smiles on our faces to seem welcoming. Although, Aonung...not so much. "Father why do I-" Aonung said with a attitude. "You will do as I say!" Says his father, pointing his finger in his face. Tsireya steps forward, trying not to drag attention to Aonungs discomfort. "Come, we will show you our village." She says with a polite smile. I signal to the family to follow as we start walking.
Lo'aks POV:

I watched her as she signaled for us to follow. Neteyam and I grabbed our belongings as well as the rest of our family and started to follow. Tsireya and Y/n took us to their village, the floor was floating just above the water, including the floor being very bouncy. I looked ahead of me to see Tuk hopping along. A sea creature peeks its head out of the water and Tuk starts petting it. Y/n reaches down to Tuk, "This is an ilu, soon you will be able to ride one in the water all on your own!" Y/n said. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was so polite with children and the creatures. She placed her sky blue hand on Tuks back gesturing for her to keep going. We filed into the Marui pod and set down our stuff. "This is nice, right? We can make it work." Dad says unsurely. Almost like he was faking it. Suddenly Neytiri, my mother, drops her items completely devastated. I knew that it would be hard on her. Neteyam and I looked at eachother in shock and shrugged it off.
Y/n POV:

Tsireya and I walked out of their Marui. "I almost forgot, can you tell them that food is at sunset?" Tsireya says to me. I look at Aonung who hasn't done absolutely anything this whole time to help the new family. "What?"
I roll my eyes, "well maybe you could tell them because you haven't done anything to contribute?" I say. My brother looks at me, offended. "Excuse me, not like you have done anything besides flirt with that weak forest monkey!" I scoff at him. If he isn't going to do anything then I might as well do it myself. I walk back to the Marui pod and greet the family. "Greetings again, I almost forgot to tell you that food is at sunset." Lo'ak jumps at the sound of my voice. "Thank you, very much" the mother says to me. I smile kindly and walk out of their home. "Lo'ak what the hell was that?" Neteyam says as he turns to his brother who is still unpacking. "What was what?" Lo'ak says with a confused and oblivious look on his face. His whole family looks at him like he is stupid. "Your heart is driven to her." Says his mother, placing her hands on her heart.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now