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All right! This is the Empty Line rewrite and redo! I wanted to take down the fic as a whole and edit it to perfection at first, but then I just decided to say fuck it and redo it as a whole to fix up some major issues. The changes made are compiled here, but if you'd like to read a shortened version, you can find another copy of this fic on my ao3, which is under the same name as this account and will have the authors note above the first chapter. I will mention the title first--it made no sense as it stood and this one makes a lot more sense, so I changed it. 

A few major plot changes have also been included--the way that this fic (both the Empty Line rendition and this one) followed the show was never quite linear, but I'd never really thought about doing too much differently from the show! In this version of the fic, the events still aren't quite linear and some of it will only end up being mentioned, BUT, I did change up a few characters storylines so that they got better endings than canon. 

An example of the above is the Bennett family. Julie and the writers didn't do justice by Bonnies character at all, and I changed that because Bonnie has been one of my favorite characters for a long time and I would've liked her to end up happy, in the very least, and this fic is mine to do with as I choose, so Bonnie is getting a happy ending regardless. 

Faceclaims have changed, too!! I said in Empty Line that Alarics new face claim was Skeet Ulrich, but he's not anymore! Alarics face claim is instead going to be Pedro Pacal, and I went ahead and changed Matts faceclaim (I heard that Zach Roerig was racist but correct me if I'm wrong) from Zach Roerig to Ben Mackenzie. 

Rhysands faceclaim was Rege Jean Page in the original first draft (I mentioned it on AO3, I believe) but because it doesn't align with how I've always pictured him and how he's described, his faceclaim is instead Jacob Anderson in this rendition. 

Other than that, a few small details about mostly random shit has changed! A few locations have been added, I changed Rhysands birthday year a bit because it didn't make sense for me to have him turned at 25 and be in college, so I went ahead and had him turned at 23 instead because it made more sense to me at that time, and his major has also changed from engineering to classics because it fit his character better! Rhysands last name has also been changed from Falkner to Abernathy because it sounded better in my head and I rewatched the hunger games whilst writing the first chapter lol. 

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