Meeting Other AU's: Izuku (Part 1)

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Jonas: Alright guys, for a break instead of us going into the library and researching the Dekuverse, I decided to bring in some special guests of mine that just so happen to be from the Dekuverse!

Izuku: *Takes Out Dimensional Notebook* Really?! I can't wait to meet them!

Iida: So what? MORE vigilantes/villains?

Spider-Deku: When are you going to drop that kind of fact? Then again... Your dimension DOES have yourself saying that Spider-Man is nothing more than a villain so there's no surprise there.

Jonas: Today I brought in some guests from some of the Dekuverse's that I made or have PLANNED for the future. So best be ready!

-Everyone got ready as they saw another one of those portals appear as Spider-Deku was ready to welcome them, as then two figures came rolling in as they crash into the room as everyone didn't know what to do with it... As Jonas slapped his face in frustration.

Jonas: Figures.

-The other three people came into the room as then the other two got up and Class 1-A could tell that these 5 are most definitely Izuku, and they all got up as they were about to introduce themselves when Jonas stepped in front of one of them. The one he stepped in front of giggled and waved in some sort of accent.

Jonas: I TOLD YOU that you would appear the NEXT time I do this!

???: *Somewhat Brooklyn Accent* Eh, come on Jon-Jon aren't you happy to see me again?

Jonas: Well yeah I kind of did, but-. WAIT A SECOND! Your just trying to stall me so I won't punish you!

???: *Somewhat Brooklyn Accent* Damn it. You know I guess the two of us being together for a while can really make ya wise to the tricks of mine you know? *Turns to the Watch Party* And I might as well stay for the party too! Cause I want to see the show!


Jonas: I hate you Iida, but I agree. Unfourtantly, *Points to ???* once Midori has his sights sets there's no stopping him. So I'll allow it... *Glares at Him* IF. HE. BEHAVES.

???: *Devilish Smile* *Somewhat Brooklyn Accent* Fair enough! AND no promises! Anyways, I guess I should introduce myself now or what?

Class 1-A: (This guys is like Izuku... But is very chatty and not nervous.)

Midori: *Somewhat Brooklyn Accent* Name's Izuku "Sharp" Midori! One of-! No! THE best Mech Armor Builder in ANY side of the Dekuverse! Feel free to call me Midori or Sharp! Or just Izuku's fine!

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Midori: *Somewhat Brooklyn Accent* Name's Izuku "Sharp" Midori! One of-! No! THE best Mech Armor Builder in ANY side of the Dekuverse! Feel free to call me Midori or Sharp! Or just Izuku's fine!

Jonas: Just call him Midori. He's almost like the OG Izuku but is a little more like a guy I met called Benny Sharp. The two of them are the same a little but they are a little different.

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