Meeting Wilbur

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Techno's POV:

The voices always loved Philza, they even called him dadza sometimes. I couldn't blame them either. He was there for me after my mom killed my dad for being unfaithful, he was there for me when my mom committed suicide in prison from the lack of drugs, he was even there for me after I told him about the voices. But now, the voices aren't so sure about him anymore. Phil said he is bringing someone home. I'm not sure how I feel about it. This is my home, no one else's. I heard Phil's keys jingle in the door knob, he's back. "Hey, Techno! Have you been waiting on me all this time?" I nod my head. Phil knows I don't like to talk a lot, but he's still okay with it. "Well, are you ready to see who I brought home?" I looked away, then up at Phil to see his excited smile. There is no way I can upset him now, so I nod. Phil brought a young boy inside the house, he had brown curly hair, brown eyes, a brown and yellow aesthetic, and a guitar case that was way too big for him. "This is Wilbur! Will, this is my adopted son Techno." Willbur hid behind Phil's pant leg not daring to let go of it. Why did Phil bring home a six year old? Most of the voices cooed at him, but some of them though of him as a threat to our place in Phil's household, that some including me. Phil crouched down to the menace and ran his hands through his hair. "Would you go to the dining room and set your stuff down? It's right down the hall." The kid gave a small nod and did as Phil had asked of him while giving me the worried look I wanted off of him. Phil took me to the couch with his usual gental hand. "Do you know why he's here, Techno?" I simply shook my head instead of stating the fact that I had had some ideas that were less than friendly. "Well," Phil looks nervous, that's not a good sign. "I want to adopt him?" That's when it all came crumbling down. I know my face showed my thoughts all too well, at least to Phil. He is the only one who can always read my features. Phil's expression became much more worried then before as he reached out towards me. "But this is just a test run to see if it will work out! And I promise no matter what techno I'll always love you. Even if we have another person in the house they will never take the special place in my heart that has you in it." I didn't cry, my eyes just had some dust in them. Never the less, I still hugged him. Phil always makes me feel better, even when it's his fault. "Do you think you could give it a try, for me?" I nodded. "Thank you, Techno. This really means a lot to me."


Wilbur's POV:

Mr. Philza smiled at me, "I'll be right back, Will. Don't wait up, okay?" "Okay." Mr. Philza seems nice. I've seen him here a few times. He's always talking to us and making sure school has been okay. I think he's going to adopt Amelia, she's eight. He's always talking to her when she's here. I hope Amelia appreciates him. He's the nicest person who has come here in a while. It's sad to know, after he takes Amelia he'll never think or care about the rest of us again. I'll miss Amelia, she's been my best friend since I came here. My parents died in a car crash when I was three, I don't remember them much at all. But Amelia was there for me through the long crying nights and the tired mornings. I'm glad she's getting adopted, but I'll miss her. Mr. Philza came back into the bedroom I shared with two other kids with a smile on his face. "Guess what, Will?" "What Mr. Philza?" "I'm taking you home!" I was so surprised I could feel my jaw drop. I never thought he'd want to take me home. "But what about Amelia? I thought you wanted to take her home?" "Well, I was thinking about it. But when I asked her she said she wanted me to take you. So, I started to get to know you, and I think she was right. I have taken quite a liking to you." I jumped off my bed into Mr. Philza's arms and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Mr. Philza hugged me tight. "Of course, Will." Mr. Philza sat me back down on the bed. "Now, you remember how I have a son, right?" "Mhm." "Well, he doesn't quite know about you yet. I wanted it to be a surprise. So, we're going to have you stay with us for a week before I will officially adopt you. Now, go pack whatever you need for the week and we'll get you home, okay?" I nodded. "But, what if he doesn't like me?" Mr. Philza smiled at me "Trust me, he'll love you." I smiled at him and nodded. While Mr. Philza talked to Mrs. Linda, my social worker of almost two years, I packed a small duffel bag of my clothes and such. Grabbing my guitar that I got from Amelia for my 5th birthday I went downstairs. Mr. Philza took my stuff to his car saying I should bid my farewells. I already told the boys in my room goodbye while I was packing so now the only person to say goodbye to is Amelia. I snuck up behind her and gave her a hug. "Hey, Will! How are you doing?" "Awesome! Thank you so much Amy! Mr. Philza is taking me today!" Amelia gave me a big smile. "I'm so excited for you, Wilby! I didn't know when he'd ask you to come home with him." "How can I ever thank you enough?" "Well, when you become a big singer, make sure you remember me okay? I want you to tell the world where you came from, so kids like us have the hope they need to find a family like you are." I nodded and hugged Amelia tight. "Hey, Will? It's time to go!" I looked up at Amelia and she ruffled my hair before kissing my forehead. "Be good for Mr. Philza, okay? And be nice to your new brother." I wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled up at her "Okay. I love you, Amy." "Love you too, Wilby. Now, go to Mr. Philza, you don't want to keep him waiting." I nodded and left to find Mr. Philza. "Hey, bud. You okay?" "Yes." "Alright. Well, let's go." I got into Mr. Philza's car and we drove off leaving my old home.

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