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There's always gonna dark,
I used to hear it always but never felt like it,
Until i faced it.

What? Why? When?
Its when you think of switching off everything and turning on yourself!
You get it? Nah u cant!

When your hands starts to shivering.
I dunno why i get here to write after too long.
Just dunno where to go.
One side My promise  and the another side my everything.
Whom I can't even tell i cry everyday .
Well what's switching off !
Swtiching off is switching yourself off!
Killing yourself! And when you can't kill yourself!
Kill the every way that makes u feel like that!

Let's begin!
2 years ago, a teen boy fall for a girl and he didn't know when it turned out to be life. As in all the romantic stories things happen and expressing love so on.
That all happened here , but you know what the ending was also the same.
Same fake promises same drama .
He had nothing she made him and then she left him.
Maybe if you have ever loved you would know how much promises mean to a person when he is in love .
He cried he told his friends everyone made fun of him.
With time it turned out to depression.
Fake things stories and so on but never turned out of it.
They were perfect.
But the situations weren't.
The things he heard for himself still couldn't figured out.
One more thing ;-) when you are in love you never be able to say something bad about your loved once and it sounds bad when one is in joy and another is in vain.
It destiny things happen to people who never wanted it.
Love which isn't seccessfull can be determined when you right for it .
Hope she would be happy whereevrr .
No Logics just Feelings So much To say but Don't want to share

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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