Chapter 3

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"A little to the left. The other left. That's too much... stop!" Chrysalis ordered. The Changeling Behemoth had placed the cocoon in the middle of the room. A rather bland room.

Chrysalis never paid much attention to such details. Less is more, she figured.

Changelings were quick and efficient builders but they lacked any form of interior decorating skill.

"You have done well." She complimented the massive Changeling. She moved over to him and gave him a peck on his cheek.

A small sign of motherly affection like that had the same effect as a cookie or other treat to him.

"Return to your post." Chrysalis ordered.

The Changeling nodded. He returned to his post with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.

"Now that that's taken care of." Chrysalis moved to the cocoon. She tapped on it with her hoof.

The pony floating inside opened her eyes.

Chrysalis stared deep into them. The pony didn't look away.

Eventually though, she just closed them again.


It felt like drowning, only without dying from suffocation, Twilight figured.

It kind of felt like sinking in too deep into the tub, only now she didn't rush back to the surface to breathe.

Because she was breathing. Somehow.

Her scientific studies told her that it was perfectly plausible to be breathing fluid. As long as there was enough oxygen in it.

It was warm too. Again, just like a hot bath. Only one that she couldn't get out of. Or even wanted to get out of.

It was strangely comfortable and soothing for some reason.

A thud shook her body. Her eyes opened. They stung a bit.

Something was standing outside her... she didn't know what to call it. Cage? Cocoon perhaps? She had no idea.

But whatever it was, there was a pony out there.

Her eyes closed again.


Chrysalis smirked. Everything had gone according to plan. Well, almost everything. They had failed to take Canterlot.

But the Equestrian capital was expendable. Feeding her daughter was the main reason to replace Cadance.

Chrysalis scoffed at the mere thought of that mare. How dare she take Shining Armor's love for herself? Her daughter needed it more than she did.

"You two." Chrysalis called out to the two Changelings guarding the door. They walked in and bowed for their queen. "The two of you are to stand guard here." She patted the cocoon. "You are not to leave your post for any reason until she breaks out, do you understand?"

The two Changelings nodded.

"Good." Chrysalis said. "When she does break out, come and inform me immediately."

The two Changelings took positions on either side of the cocoon, intent on protecting it against anything that would want to harm it.

Not that they were truly necessary.

As she stepped outside Chrysalis's lips drew into a smile.

Nearly every Changeling that she didn't specifically assign a task was sitting outside, waiting and watching. Hundreds of them filled the hallway from end to end.

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