Chapter 15 : Comfort

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kinnporsche novel parts and author imagination. So, this story is not entirely mine. This story contains spoilers because it have similar scene like in the original novel.

Warning this story contains strong language and mature content It is 18+ fan fiction. I'm sorry if my grammar is bad because english is not my first language.


Chapter 15 : Comfort

After we left from Tawan's warehouse. Kim took me to the hospital with him. I didn't wanted to go there since I didn't have much injuries but Kim still insisted on going.

Doctor treated the wounds on my face. Which caused due to Tawan slapping me constantly. After doctor suggested me medicine and permitted me to go back home. He suggested me to rest well for few days and put medicine on my wound everyday.

Later, we left the hospital and went to home straight. Kim took me to his room he didn't let me go back to my room. I'm sure as soon as Hia comes back he will look for me and I don't know how he will react seeing me with Kim but this Kim didn't care about it and drag me to his room with him.

As I entered inside his room his room. I went to bathroom instantly to change my uniform. I been in that uniform since I was kidnapped. I seriously need to shower. Although Kim insisted helping me with shower because I was feeling very weak right now. I didn't allow him to help I can shower myself.

I've my clothes here in Kim's. So, I don't nned to back to my room for it. After, I was done with show. When cams out bathroom I seen Kim already changed his clothes.

"Lay down on bed you should rest." Kim ordered me. When he seen me walking out of bathroom. I didn't wanted to argue with him right now. So, I did what he told me to do.

"What about Hia? Is he coming here?" I asked to Kim. I know Hia is very stubborn person dragging him here again will be very hard for P'Kinn.

"I already informed Kinn that I took you home with me." Kim told me. I find it hard to accept that Hia will argee to come back here. Anyway convincing him is P'Kinn's issues not mine.

I thought and laid on bed comfortably. I was feeling very tired because events from earlier. All I need right now is sleep. Kim went to switch off the lights of room for me.

Seeing me lying on bed comfortably. Kim also came to lay down beside me. He putted his hands on my waist and made me put my head on his hands. He pulled me closer to him.

I could smell his body fragrance that made me feel calm and secured instanly then I rested my head on his chest and wraped my arm around him.

Being with him I feel naturally safe. He kissed on my forehead trying soothe me. I was utterly comfortable and I don't know when I fell asleep.

I woke up when someone knocking at the door. I didn't wanted to get up and open the door.

"Ai'Kim get the door." I said in my sleepy voice.

As reply he just mumbled. I shake him lightly to wake him up. He woke up obediently to get the door and didn't argue with me. While I got back to my sleep.

Kim Pov,

Knock! Knock!

I heard someone knocking at the door but I didn't care about it. I wanted to continue my sleep with Ché and didn't wanted to move at all.

But the noise made Ché to wake up. He told me get the door but I was very lazy too do. I got up when I seen Porsche getting disturbed by the knocking. So, I decided to wake up and get the door.

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