Chapter one - realization

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It Started as a normal day for the avangers.
Walking up, dragging Tony Out of the lab to eat Breakfest and cerial sudendly sticking on the celling
Totaly normal.

But sudendly Clint decided they shoud watch the News eventhou everyone agreed they woudnt as the fact that civil war happend was somehow revealed to the Public for some Strange reson.
And as If that fact wasn't enough, everyone who fought with them and who fought with who was also revealed to the Public.

Funny Thing was : it didn't backfired on the avangers, but on the people who werent avangers and fought with them.
The onyl three peoplewho werent avangers but that fought with them we're Just Ant-man, black Panther and Spiderman.

And Boy did the Public Not Like them.
Jameson, from the daily budgle, decided it was time to Not only Shit on Spiderman more, but also make the wakandian King and ant-man His new victums.

And howdey did He find stuff to Talk about.
He somehow Manager to find all Kind of information about all three Heros that was tooootaly true *Wink* *Wink*

But the Public belived it and His newspaper was selling Better than ever.

So now the News we're playing and None of them expected what they saw.

"The three 'heros' ant-man, black Panther and Spiderman are Held responsible for the Events of civil war by the Public. People also think they shoud apolegize to the avangers for causing such Problems-"

Right after turnjng the TV on, Clint turned it right Off.

The mood in the room droped masivly.

"Are they realy Holding them responsible? Do These people even know what happend to cause civil war?" Tony asked himself Out loud while Playing with His food.

"These poor men, they did nothing wrong." Bruce Said, full of guilt.

(Quick A/N, in Thai Story Bruce a.k.a. Hulk never got stuck in space and fought in Team Ironman because Nat was on That Team)

"Yeah, we we're responsible for the Events and Just happend to pull them into it. Nothing that happend was their fault." Steve decided to Put His mind into the conversation.

"Do you think its Our fault that their Reputation is going Bad?" Wanda asked the group.

"Technecly, yes." Tony admited, in a very unhappy Tone.

None of them expected it to backfired on the people leasth responsible for everything, If Not the only ones who even tried to find other solutions.

Well, Spiderman was the onyl one who tried to find other solutions, like talking it Out.

The tention in the room was extremly noticable.

Time skips because the tention broke throuh any time restrictions

With Peter

Peter had lost Many Things in the time span from civil war to the present.

He Had lost His aunt and was living in an abusive orphanage, He Had to Switch schools because midtown was to far away and the orphanage didn't provide him any Transportation.
And then people Started hating Spiderman a.k.a. Him for No reson!

So now He was surounded by extremly people in school, got besten up by the orphanage owner or worse If He even looked in the wrong directipn and He coudnt Just Go out as Spiderman anymore!
Because If He did, the Police woud be chasing Him aswell as the bystanders.

It was realy sad.

But at the Moment Peter sat in school and was extremly bored, But luckly the bell was about to wring.


and with that everybody Ran Out of the roomand the teacher, barley audible, screamed " DONT FORGET TO DO THE HOMEWORK!" man, they we're underpayed.

Peter rushed Out with the crowd as He never wanted to stay longer that needed.

He rushed throuh the dirty Halls full of Trash, Sometimes also called Students, and Out the Main Doors.

He still sprinted away a Bit Further untill He stoped.

'i hate that hell hole.' Peter thought to himself.
Luckly, He coudnt Talk to himself any further as His Phone ringed.

He looked at the called ID and almost chocked on his own spit.

fricking TONY STARK was calling Him!

Of course He Had to Pick up.

"Hello?" Peter Said as He accsepted the call.

"Hi underoos!" A suprisingly Happy billionare greeted.

"We Wonderd If you'd Like to Come over to the Tower today." He continued.

"Yeah, i have time, when?" Peter replied, in reality He didn't have time but Just wanted to stay away from that God foresaken orphanage longer, eventhou He knew what awaited Him after.

"About now." The Genius Said.

"Oh, okay. Shoud i Just knock on the Window to the common room when im there?" Peter asked.

"Naaah, Happy is there to Pick you up." The stark Said. Little did He knowy Peter switched schools.

Peter hadnt informed the billionare of the tragedy with His aunt and the school Switch.

"Erhm, Mr. Stark, i switched schools.
Im at the other end of New york at the Moment." Peter explained.

"Oh...then you can Just Swing or Take the Subway, it woud Take Happy to Long. Anything woud be faster than Happy in that case." Why did He move schools? The Genius was..confused. that was a First.

"See you."

"See you, underoos."

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