Go crazy

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You're the sole survivor of the attack, wounded, but can still move. Your conrades are  on the ground, the vampire didnt even suck their blood, what was this about? Is he fooling with us?

"Bravo, bravo little one. You put up a wonderful fight!" His awful voice rung in your body, down to your core. "I saved you for last, but just you know I *AM* giving mercy to your friends."

"Mercy? What do you mean mercy?! They're lying dead on the ground!" You yell, heart beating faster and faster, both in fear and anger. "Why, why did you kill them but not me?!" Tears run down your face as guilt rushes over, "You didn't kill them for their blood, did you? Why!?"

"Oh but sweetheart, I doubt they would want to live to experience this." Crowley chuckled, his demeanor still the same as ever. "I'll give their blood to the rest, it'd be a shame to waste so much afterall." Eyes looking down at your fallen comrades, "As for you..."

"I have better plans for you, darling."

"Wait— what are you—!?" He dissappeared from you peripheral vision, "Shh, it'll be alright." A hand suddenly cupped over you mouth and nose, the other groping one of your chest, as the being behind you launched into the nearest empty building.

"H-hmp—Ngh‐— S-stop—!" You gasp underneat his hold, "Wha-what are you—?! Huh?" You struggled and fought back to the best of your abilities, but your best wasnt enough. He wasnt human afterall.

"H-Hmp-h l-let go of me—! You c-cra—Ah! You- y-you crazy— bastard—!!" Your last hope was to get your weapon and make an escape, but that didn't work either.

"We wont be needing this." He said, throwing away your weapon. "F-fuck-— What do you want you bastard—?!" He pins you down on the desk, putting pressure on your neck.

"Trust me sweetheart, this hurts me more than it hurts you." And to that he was (almost) right, he was starving, he'd drink your fallen comrade's blood but it wouldn't satisfy him.

He needed you.

"G-god—- Let- Hng—?!" You squeak, eyes rolling back and face turning red and purple. Mouth open as your tongue lolled out, gasping for air. "S-Stop—- I- I cant—" He saw the tears beginning to roll down your cheeks and stopped.

Crowley laughed at your pitiful state, "You look adorable like this, sweetheart." He lifted your head harshly, letting you see his face from underneath. "I almost don't want to stop."

"S-stop—- Just— kill me-— p-plea-ase—–" You beg, you didn't want to do this, you didn't want to experience this, this was painful, the embarrassment was painful.

"Lord you look so beautiful begging like this." He kissed your forehead gently and smiled. "It'll be alright, it'll feel good."

"Feel— good..?" "Yes, feel good."

"Wa-wait—! What are you—?!"

Crowley rips open your uniform's shorts, revealing everything that it kept hidden. "Cute underwear." He chuckled, while you lay there in shock and disbelief, was this really going to happen?

_'No, no please no— no no no! Please stop!'_ but the words were stuck in your throat, unable to be let out for the man to hear. _'No— please stop-! Stop it!'_ "Please stop!" Finally, it came out. "Please! Please stop it! Please dont do this to me!" You forehead meeting the table bellow you, covering your face in shame. "It'll only hurt for a bit sweetheart, only if you cooperate with me." He rips your underwear off of you, making you scream and shout in fear and desperation.

"Please- Please just kill me! Just kill me and drink my blood! Don't—!" His hand once again cups your mouth to shut you up, "Oh shh, we vampires have other needs others than blood."

"Now now, steady, or this is gonna hurt."

Your body froze in fear, eyes shut tightly and nails digging into your palm. Pressing you body as near to the table as possible to avoid him, yet he still went closer and closer to you.

You blanked out, all you could remember was screaming your lungs out as he first entered you. Your inexperienced and virgin pussy was unprepared for what was to come from him. You dont know why you expected less, he's not human, he's way bigger than you in every shape and form.

Your eyes open one by one, you feel the ground shaking bellow you. The sudden sharp pain brought you back down to reality. He was still inside of you.

Out of reflex, you scream again, begging him to stop, begging him to slow down. You begged and begged and begged for him to have the same mercy that he had on your friends. Why? Why is this happening? Make it stop make it stop make it stop.

You feel yourself stiffening, your thighs closing together and your cunt twitching. Hands flying all over the table looking for somewhere to hold on to. Eyes widdening and your breathing speeding up, you scream.

The most ungodly, the most horrifying, the most sickening feeling made you lost your sight for a few seconds. No words came out of your mouth, only groans and moans, pleads for him to stop and "feels good, feels so good" could be heard.

He didnt stop. Being a vampire, he had way more stamina than a normal human being, way more than you. You were exhausted to your very core, unable to think nor speak anymore.

Your mind had only cleared up enough to vision Liutenant Guren. And you foolishly called out to him.

"L-Liu-liu—" Crowley lifted an eyebrow at your attempt to speak. "tenant— te-nan-nant—" Though he didn't stop pounding into you, he didn't stop wrecking your wounded and dripping cunt. "Guren—"

That made him stop. But oh boy did you just release his innermost demons.

"You know," He said, gripping both of your hands with one of his and pinning it to the desk harshly, "It's rude to," his other free hand began choking you. "Call out another man's name when someone's already fucking you!"

He's mad, like really mad.

Crowly fucked you harder and faster, you doubt it feels good on his part but it definitely was painful for you. You scream and beg louder for your Liutenant to come and save you.

Orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, your pussy was filled by your and his cum swishing and swirling together. Some dripping down your leg.

He still kept fucking into you, no matter how tired you were. You've reach to the point of oversensitivity where you cant even cum anymore, you couldn't even if you felt good.

You're braindead by the point of your 4th orgasm, and even more braindead by your 5th. He kept forcing and forcing himself into you as your body slowly gave up trying to fight back. You went limp underneath him yet you can still feel every thrust from him.

You were drooling and your eyes rolled back so far that it hurts. Your cunt squirted every last drop of whatever he squeezed out of you, milking you dry.

You smiled at your braindead state, mumbling "feels good" 's and "it feels so good" 's, even if you were in pain. Were you in pain? The orgasms threw you off, you dont know what's even going on at this point.

"God I wish I could drink your blood right now." Crowley spoke, "But having you dead wouldn't be fun."

He finally pulled himself out of you, leaving a gush of cum and wetness fall out of you.

"Look at your poor cunt," he commented, "How will you ever fulfill your Liutenant's wishes of breeding a new generation?" Crowley slapped your already oversensitive pussy, "No one is gonna fuck that anymore, I'd say this was a job well done by me." He jokes.

You weep silently while still dazing off into nothingness, brain empty as if you had came all of your braincells out from how good the fuck was.

"I'm not the strongest vampire here," Crowley admitted, "But, my blood IS enough to turn you into one of us." He began to bite into your neck, leading streams off blood flow down into his mouth. After sometime, he had let go of your neck and finished his sentence while turning you over to face him.

He bit his lip to the point of drawing blood out and closed the space between the two of you.

"And I wouldn't mind having my personal forever fucktoy."

Mercy on me || Crowley x Reader OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now