"shoulder to lean on"

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Arthur Hamada and Kevin Yoon were classmates in their senior year of high school. They never talked to each other, but they knew each other's name. Arthur was known as the 'nerd' while Kevin was known as the 'class clown.' They were total opposites and had nothing in common, or so they thought.

One day, Arthur was sitting alone in the library, reading a book, when Kevin walked in. Arthur was surprised to see Kevin in the library, as he never saw him studying before. Kevin noticed Arthur sitting alone and went over to him.

"Hey man, what are you reading?" Kevin asked, genuinely interested.

Arthur looked up and saw Kevin standing there with a bright smile on his face. It was contagious, and Arthur couldn't help but smile back.

"It's a novel," Arthur replied, showing Kevin the cover of the book.

Kevin nodded in acknowledgment and pulled a chair next to Arthur. They started talking about the book, and as they talked, Arthur realized that he had found someone who shared the same passion for literature. They talked for hours, and it was the first time Arthur had laughed so much.

From that day on, they became inseparable. They studied together, ate lunch together, and even hung out together after school. Arthur had never felt so happy and carefree in his life. Kevin taught him how to have fun and enjoy life, while Arthur taught Kevin the importance of studying and self-discipline.

As their friendship grew stronger, Arthur began to see Kevin in a new light. He couldn't help but notice how kind and caring Kevin was. He realized that he had feelings for Kevin, but he was too scared to confess his feelings.

One day, Kevin invited Arthur to a concert. Arthur was hesitant at first, as he had never been to a concert before, but Kevin convinced him. During the concert, they held hands, and Arthur felt his heart racing.

After the concert, they sat on a bench, watching the stars. Kevin turned to Arthur and said, "I don't know when it happened, but I've fallen in love with you, Arthur."

Arthur was speechless. He didn't know what to say. He had never experienced this kind of feeling before. After a few moments of silence, Arthur turned to Kevin and said, "I love you too, Kevin."

From that day on, they became more than just friends. Their love for each other grew stronger each day, and they knew that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

Years later, they got married, and as they stood on the altar, they looked at each other and said their vows, "Everybody needs someone in life to hold on to. Glad that I have you." "When I follow my heart, it leads to you." They knew that they were meant to be together, and nothing could ever tear them apart.

Arthur realized that love and friendship go hand in hand. Kevin came into his life and changed everything. He taught him how to have fun and enjoy life, while Arthur taught him the meaning of true love and friendship. They were each other's missing piece, and nothing could ever change that.

(Author's Note: English is not my first language so please forgive me if there errors and wrong grammars. I hope you like this story. If you like this story please leave some comment and also vote. Thank you for reading, I appreciate it. Lovelots 💙)

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