I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl

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Harry wrapping his arms around you while he teaches you how to golf.


The boys are asked in an interview who is single and Harry smiles and says

 “Nope, I’ve found my special lady” and points to you.


You get into a car accident with your best friend and as you’re being wheeled away for an X-ray your boyfriend Harry and uour best friend’s boyfriend, Niall, rush through the doors. Niall hurries over to his girlfriend and Harry runs over to you. He grabs your hand and leans over and kisses you right there in the middle of the hallway. He whispers in your ear as he visibly fights back tears, “I’m so glad you’re alive! I love you [Y/N] and I’ll never let you leave me again!”

You are walking past a hotel on your way to work when you notice someone waving from the window above. Harry Styles is waving to you and smiling. He holds up a paper that asks your name. You spell your name with your hands and he writes, “[Y/N]?” You nod and then you can see him hold up a finger telling you to wait. A minute later he pulls Zayn to the window and Zayn starts waving to you. You laugh and wave back and watch as harry attacks Zayn and you see him mouth, “No! she’s mine!” Harry then holds up a paper with his number on it and says, “Call me, beautiful!”

Harry Styles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now