Chapter 1

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I was sitting in a meditation pose on one of the many pillars surrounding my home. I was in total peace till I felt a couple of vibrations, from near by. Then I sensed my Brothers who came the trees with weapons drawn and stabbed at my pillar. Luckily I dodged before the struck.

Subzero: where did she go

Me: up hear boys

They look up to see me floating in the sky.

Me: not bad, on the attack, but you guys need to work on masking your approach

Scorpion: what do you mean sister

Me: I felt the vibrations from your bodies as well as your heart beats, learn to mask that and you might have a chance of surprising me

I landed then said.

Me: now how bout some weapons training

They both nod and took out their weapons. The three of us collided and began a three way fight.

Time skip 4 hours

We have been sparing for 4 hours now and they were getting exhausted.

Me: alright boys final moves.

Both nod and got ready. When they were done charging up their attacks like me we charged at each other. And when we collided, a beam shot into the air.

When it died down I looked at my brothers and saw they were down.

Me: I win

They both got up and Scorpion said.

Scorpion: we'll get you next time

Me: I bet. Now come on I'm cooking dinner

The three of us headed back to my tower. Once inside I headed for the kitchen while the other 2 went to the table to talk.

Time skip 20 minutes

It has been twenty minutes since I started cooking, I was almost done when I heard a knock on my door.

Me: can 1 of you get that

Subzero: I'll do it

He gets up from his chair and went to the door. When he opened it he was met with Kitanna.

Subzero: Scorpion come here

Scorpion headed for the door.

Subzero: what is it Kitanna

Kitanna: I am here on behalf of Lord Raiden to recruit you two to fight in the Mortal Kombat Tournament

The two look at each other and nod.

Scorpion: we accept but on one condition

Subzero: you bring Rio to

Kitanna: who

Subzero: our blood bond sister in arms. She is the one that brought peace to both clans and ended our Feud

Kitanna was shocked.

Kitanna: she ended you feud

Time skip

After they explained everything to Kitanna, she was astounded by this.

Kitanna: I would like to meet her

Subzero: Rio can you come here for a sec

A minute later Rio came to the door.

Rio: yes Subzero

Subzero: Rio meet our friend Kitanna, she has come here to recruit us for the Mortal Kombat tournament

Rio: I see, then have fun boys, I'll pack your things

Scorpion: actually, you'll be coming with us and you will participate in the tournament

Rio was shocked to hear this then shock turned into anger.

Rio: did you two volunteered me without my consent

Both of them were now shaking in fear. But they nodded yes.

Scorpion: to be fair we did it so we can have a chance to save our world

Rio then punched the both of them in the head knocking them out. Then she turned to  Kitanna who was nervous.

Rio: remove your mask

Kitanna took off her mask. Then Rio cupped her her left cheek and said.

Rio: you have a good heart, no fear, but you also carry a sadness

Kitanna was about to speak but Rio pulled Kitanna to her and kissed her. Kitanna was surprised at first but then melted into the kiss. When they broke apart Rio said.

Rio: I will fight in the tournament and save Earth realm. But after that you and me go on a date

Kitanna: deal

Rio: we were about to have dinner, care to join

Kitanna: why of course. Thank you

Rio and Kitanna woke up the boys. Then Rio served them their dinner and chatted. After dinner Kitanna contacted lord Raiden and told him of her success recruiting. Then she left the three warriors who started to get ready for their journey.

Mortal Kombat Harem X Futa Female OP OCWhere stories live. Discover now