'You like him!' part 2

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"So what kind of date we're you thinking?" He asked still holding tightly onto you as if you were trying to leave. You weren't and he knew that, but he still held on tight.

"I don't know..." you looked up into Dabi's bright cerulean eyes, him looking straight back into your beautiful (e/c) eyes.
"Ooo maybe a dinner date?" You suggested.
"I know a restaurant not to far from here," Dabi said with, for the first time in a while, excitement in his voice "They do really nice food."
"Ok we can go there, when and where will we meet?" You inquired. Your hand had wandered into Dabi's soft jet black hair, playing with it gently.
"Tomorrow 6pm?" He checked with you if that was a good time. You nodded. "I'll pick you up from your house." Dabi had let go of you, got up and started to walk away.

He opened the door and stepped out of the hideout but just before he closed it, he said with his usual deep and very attractive voice "You should wear that black dress you had on when you first joined the league, it looks sexy on you." He shot you a wink and then left.
"Mhm" you said not registering what he had just said because you were to focussed on the fact that you actually scored a date with the hottest man on the planet.

The realisation finally kicked in, your eyes widened and for the third time that day you turned into a tomato.

You knew what exactly what dress he was talking about. The night you were kidnapped by the league and decided to join was also the night you went out with your friends to a club. You were wearing a short tight black dress that tightly hugged your body and showed off your figure.

You remembered that Dabi was staring at your body a lot that day but you didn't know why. 'SEXY?!?! Does he really think that dress makes me look sexy? Wait that would actually explain why he was staring at me that day.'
The next day in your apartment with Toga (4:30pm)
Toga had been helping you prepare for your date all day. You and her had been talking about stuff to say, how you think Dabi will look, whether or not you'll ask him to be your boyfriend and what will happen after the date.

You were both sitting on the couch chatting while Toga did your hair and nails.
"Personally I think he will be wearing something smart and unusual for him" you exclaimed, you were both very excited and nervous, "I don't think he will be wearing his normal outfit he always wears."
"Knowing Dabi I think he will wear his usual outfit but I could be wrong since this is a special occasion, eek I'm so excited for you!" Toga was painting your nails a beautiful dark purplish red colour.

After your hair and nails were done you went to your bedroom, leaving Toga sitting on the couch, and started picking out different pairs of shoes you could wear from your closet. You had narrowed it down to 3 pairs of heels: a pair of black fluffy heels, a pair of white heels with rhinestones on them and a pair of red heels that matched the colour of your nails.

You walked back into the living room, the three pairs of heels in your hands. "Which ones do you think I should wear?" You asked Toga holding each pair up to show her before handing them to her.
"Hmm, all of these are good options" she said while examining all of them closely "you should wear the white ones and take your white handbag as well!"
"Toga you're a genius!" You smiled at her before running back into your room to try and find your handbag.
'Ahh there it is' you pulled a white feather handbag out from the bottom of your closet.

Checking the time on your phone, you saw you only had 15 minutes till Dabi arrived. 'Time really does fly when your having fun.' You put on simple gold earrings and a necklace, then made your way back into the living room to tell Toga it was nearly time. "It's 5:45 he's coming soon" you said as you sat down on the couch next to Toga.

10 minutes later your phone buzzed. You looked down at it and saw you had a notification from Dabi.

Dabi (5:55 pm)
Hey are you ready?
Im outside waiting for you

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