Chapter one: death of the parents

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flashback~ Alex's POV 

We were on the way to the Alpha son birthday party we are only two months apart; he is turning ten and I will be ten in two months. it was raining heavily outside the roads were very slippery, Me and my parents were at the red light, and they turned around to look at me because I was sad that they had to leave once the party over and I would go back with my god parents they are John and Thea the betas of the pack, I like spending with my parents by myself no adults, kids, or work calls because times like these are only for my time with them. They just stared at me first then dad started to talk but I wasn't trying to listen because I mad at them for never being and around, when the light switched, green dad stops trying to get me to talk and begin to drive, dad drove then a car came and hit us. The car begins to flip over and over again until it stops, then two black figures came and drag my parents out of the car and killed them in front of my eyes, after that everything went black. I woke up in the hospital with my godparents at my bedside looking at me. I tried to ask where my parents are, but I couldn't my mouth was dry my godfather went to get the nurse and my godmother got me some water. after drinking two cups of water, I finally asked the question I wanted to know " where is my mom and dad at?" my god mom was the first one to say something " we are sorry but their gone sweetie" she that with tears almost coming out of her eyes I look over at my god dad to see if what she was saying was true. His eyes told me everything that she in fact was telling the truth my parents were actually gone. A few weeks later I was discharge form the hospital and had to move all my stuff into my room at my godparent's house. when we pulled up at their house the Alpha Leo and Luna Carson  was waiting for us, we got out the car and greeted them with a bow, my godparents started to unlock the door so I could go in and get settled in and get a goodnights rest but in the mist of me trying to go sleep I started to feel guilty that it was my fault that my parents are gone not coming back so I just sat in my bed and cried myself to sleep. Dream~   me and my parents are on the hill we visit every time they came back from work, they never really told what they did just that they had to go and as the only kid I never questioned it, but we sat on the hill and watched the clouds passed by. Hours go by and we are still watching then the dream switched to that night they died right in front of me"~ end of dream I jump up and screamed as I relived what happened to them. my godparents heard me and came running to see what was wrong with me, they tried to stop me from crying, but I couldn't bring myself to calm down when relive the death of my parents.  After a few hours they got me to calm down and got me to go back to sleep but I know they knew that this was only the first nightmare and that more will come. 

the next morning, I woke up and started to do my morning routine which consist of taking a shower, washing my face, brushing my teeth, and putting my clothes on. Once I'm done, I go downstairs to have breakfast, I get down there and see that my godparents are trying to hide something from me, but I push it passed me and continue to eat my breakfast. "we have something to tell you Alex" my god mom says, Iook up at them and the pass me a phablet, I read the tittle of it " Your trying to send me to Everdeen school for girls" before they could say another word I started to talk again " this is a private school, I don't want to go there I want to stay here and go to a regular school not some school that's teaches me stuff I don't need" I said with tears threatening to spill of my eyes. they were quiet for a while until my godfather spoke " We think it would be best for you to and you don't really have choice because we already sign up you for it" I look over at my god mom to see if what he was saying is the truth and her eyes tell that he in fact is. I scoffed and ran back upstairs to my room and sat on my bed and cried. After two hours of sitting there I heard a knock at my door " come in " I looked up and see my god mom " hey sweetie I just wanted to tell you it wasn't really our decision it was your parents they wanted to tell after the party but the accident happen and they couldn't, so we took it a pond to decide they you would go and a learn about what you are going to become in this beautiful world that you lived in"  I look at as she had tears falling from her eyes " Well I better start packing then " I said as I wiped the tears away from her face. She looks at me with joy that I was going to pack for this school " Can I help you please? " I nodded my head yes and we start packing everything that I will need at the school. they had already bought me some notebooks and we sat the at the front door I found out that I have to leave in two days.


As we get in car the car, I asked " are you guys going to able to visit me?" it took them a while to answer and that scared me until on from them spoke and said " we are not able to you for the first three weeks of you being there it's just for you to make friends and stuff " after that I didn't say anything until we got to the school. When we got their kids were looking at me funny and I didn't appreciate be looked at, so I turned away instead rolling my eye like I started too. We walked into and made our way to the headmistress office where I got my dorm room key and number along with locker number and combination. Once we got to the room where I will be staying and unlocked the door my so-called roommate was their waiting impatiently for me to get settled in. My godparents and roommate who name I found out was Nova helped me get settle in then Me and Nove walked back to the car with my godparents to tell them goodbye. When they were about when I ran and give both of them big hug and didn't let go until they told me "It's time for us to go now, promise us that you will make friends and not get trouble" they said in unison I looked at them with tears in eyes and nodded my head yea " I promise that I will". They got in the car and drove not before rolling the window down and blowing a kiss to me and waving. They were out of my view so I turned around to finally greet my roommate "Hi I'm Alex but you already know that because you helped me settle in" she laughed and said " yea we should get to know each other since we are going to be roommates until we graduate" I nodded my head and we being to make our way back to our dorm. Once we get there, we sit on my bed got to know each other, I found out some interest thing about her like that she has two older siblings, and the name of her pack was called the sliver moon she asked me " what's the name of your pack?" I replied " my pack name is the nightshades" look at me because my pack is one of the most famous packs and we know that we are a common target for rogues but they don't really live that long once they enter our territory. We kept talking until it was time for us to go to sleep.


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