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never in a million years would jisung think he would be here, painting, a naked (hot) man.

well i guess he did think that, because hes painting a naked (hot) man...

we dont bother him with that though, its not important.

jisung took a step back and observed the painting.

he shook his head, displeased with what he had made; he went back to the painting and stroked another stroke in the background of the painting. Finally feeling satisfied now, he put all his paint supply back; thinking about cleaning it later. Even though its going to be dried onto the brush, obviously.

"Hyunjin.." jisung said, attempting to call for hyunjin but failed since it somehow came out as a mutter. "HYUNJIN!" he shouted; actually requesting for him now.

a few seconds later, the door to the basement slammed open, making jisung jump. hyunjin walked through the door and stood there, seeming like he didn't want to be there, more or less.. his hair was a bit messy, eyes were sunken in.. someone didn't get a goodnights rest. thats for sure.

"look" jisung said, pointing at his painting while taking a step back

"did you just call me down just to see your wackass painting, just show it to me tommorow" hyunjin replied, rubbing his eyelids looking not fazed at all.


before jisung could say anything back, hyunjin walked out, leaving the boy to roll his eyes. 'damn.' he said to himself.

he assumed that hyunjin was in the middle of doing.. what ever that boy does, before he called for him. but he has no time to think about that right now. he was busy. (he actually had a lot of time to think, all he does is wake up, eat, paint, and go to sleep. jisung calls that being productive. espiaccly the sleeping part.)

jisung walked up the stairs that lead to the first floor. going to his room to "be productive".


yawn, stretch, up, was jisungs cycle of waking up, not including the hygiene parts. He looked at the time: 6:35pm. shit that was a long nap.

time to go back to painting, i guess. what else does that boy do? you should call him van gogh at this point. (jisung didn't cut his ear off though, fyi.) he went to the kitchen to grab a little snack. greeting felix on the way there. he then went down to the basement, like usual. he was still half awake, so he didn't see.. anything really.

he stumbled down the stairs, and looked up. everything was normal. wait what? why would be think that- everything is always normal.

he went and took the paint brushes he had painted with yesterday and took them to the sink, that was in the basement too. he ran them under the cold water which made jisung flinch since he didn't know how cold it was, and cleaned them throughly. he put them back into the container and went up again, not knowing what to do now.

"ji!" a deep voice whispered to him.

"what-" jisung said, turning around quickly, startled at felix randomly whispering into his ear.

felix turned around suddenly, making jisung not knowing why felix even called his name. but then felix spoke, while walking. "draw with me" he then opened the door to his room.

jisung new he had to follow him, i mean, why else would felix just walk to his room while asking him a "favor".

he opened felixs door, he was greeted by a dim light shining the whole room. it was fairly peaceful actually. well until the younger put on some rock music. well actually, i mean, who says you cant have a joyful afternoon with hardcore music in the back?

hyunjin says you cant. but no one cares about him.


its been about 2 hours. the two boys have completed about 6 drawings, each.

"im fucking bored out of my mind" jisung whined, dragging the d at the end of the sentence in a whiny tone.

felix sideyed him, "did anyone ask yo-"

he couldn't finish his sentence since there was a loud crash in the basement.

the boys whipped (a/n now watch me whip) their heads where the sound came from, like if they had xray vision to see what was going on down there. and then looked at each other.

"what if someone broke in ji? why are you just staring at me like that?" felix said, with a hint of confusion in his voice.

the older raised an eyebrow, looking more confused than felix. "excuse me? you were staring at me too. also, an item of some sort probably just fell down"

"just go to the basement and check, if you scream I'll show up with a rifle." felix said bluntly.

the black hair boy sighed, he got up and went towards the basement, opening the door and going down the steps.

'i swear to god if someone broke in im literally going to kill myself'

jisung internally screamed, his mind suddenly making him think that there is a robber trying to steal some paint brushes they bought from the dollar store.

when he made it to the final step, he hesitated to look up, but mama aint raise no pussy so he decided to look up anyway of course.

'huh.. everything looks normal.' he thought.

jisung then glanced at the fallen vase that was drying. that hyunjin had painted on.

'oh shit.'

the short boy was about to walk towards the vase but then took a glance of something familar.

he turned his head fully to look at the object, walking towards it.

it was the canvas he had painted on yesterday.

but it had nothing on it.

not even a single stroke of the paint.

'what that actual fuck.'

jisung knew it was the canvas he had painted on, it had that very specific marking that he accidently did on the wood of the canvas.

but that was now the last thing on his mind when he heard a sound of a step tooken behind him.

'its just felix or hyunjin.. its just felix or hyunjin.." jisung repeated to himself.

the boy turned around to see where the noise came from, after hesitating for about 2 minutes.


his faced turned pale.


authors note:

and he turned into a vampire!!!!!11!1


but thats a wrap for this chapter, im honestly insecure abt my writing so PLEASE give me some tips abt my writing in the comments! i would really apprecaite it <3

i dont know what to write here so heres the question of the day, or well, question of the chapter i guess?

What's your favorite fanfic trope? mine is enemies to lovers slow burn lol 😭

you dont know how relieved i am to finish this chapter.

- kaori

word count:  1105

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