- Chapter 5: Get to the point -

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- Oliver's Pov -

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- Oliver's Pov -

Without saying anything i teleport straight to the gym not wanting to be around Wanda right now because i don't hurt want to hurt her. When i appear in the gym i go to the closest punching bag and throw punch after punch at it needing to get all this anger out. Loki just had to open his mouth after being told not to cross my boundaries and now Wanda might be scared of me. I really want to find Loki and make him wish he never opened his god damn mouth since i so that let him ruin my life anymore. When i punch the punching bag for the twelfth time my hand goes straight through the bag making sand fall to the floor in waves. I yell as i start to throw punches at the wall instead because that punching bag won't be able to help me now so the wall will have to do.

After god knows how long i'm suddenly shoved away from the wall by a red energy ball making me stumble, i look over my shoulder and see Wanda looking at me concerned. I sigh dropping my hands to my sides to hide my busted knuckles that i didn't wrap because i don't want her to see them bloody. I hear her walk over to me then i see her stand inbetween me and the wall still looking concerned. I go to hid my hands behind my back but she grabs them stopping me moving them before i have the chance, she holds them carefully in her hands. She looks at my knuckles, the punching bag then at the wall with wide eyes and i know she is going to either scold me or help me.

"Don't hide them, i can clean them for you babe" She said softly

"I can do it love, i don't want to scare you away" I said trying to pull my hands out of hers but she stops me

"You will never scare me away Oliver" She said firmly

"Oh i will eventually, everyone is scared of me either because of my appearance or when i loose control" I said sadly

"Oliver listen to us and listen good, you will never and i mean never scare us away" Natasha said from behind me making me look over my shoulder at her

"Your safe" I sighed out

"You knew i would be" She said with a smirk

"Now why don't me and Natasha clean your hands up" Wanda said softly

"I could just do it myself but having two beautiful ladies do it for me sounds great" I said smirking

"Aren't you a charmer" Natasha said smirking

"I try ma'lady" I said bowing my head at her which made her giggle, literally giggle

"Less of the charm and more walking" Wanda said smiling

"Okay, Okay" I said smiling

Wanda drops one of my hands but keeps hold of my other hand as she walks me over to Natasha who is by the door. When i get to Natasha she grabs my free hand then both my soulmate walk me out the gym and into the livingroom. I see everyone sat around except Fury he's gone, they all look at me wide eyed especially Loki. Wanda let's go of my hand then get's a first aid box from the kitchen leaving me watching her every move. While Natasha literally pushes me down onto the couch next to Loki which makes me groan in annoyance and that makes Natasha raise an eyebrow at me.

"Loki crossed his boundaries and Oliver used his power's putting Loki in his place" Bucky said glaring at Loki

"Stay in line Loki because that cell still has your name on it, cross my soulmates boundaries again and i will throw you in thay cell" Natasha said angrily as she kneeled on the floor infront of me

"I already warned him Nat, i don't think he will do it again especially when i threated to chop his dick off and shove it up his godly ass" Wanda said kneeling beside Natasha with the first aid box in her hand

"Didn't Fury tell you to wrap you hands?" Clint asked looking at my busted knuckles

"Yes he did but i didn't listen just like Loki didn't listen to Fury about not to cross my boundaries" I said coldly

"Mr Oliver?" Peter asked softly

"Yes kiddio" I said softly because i will never talk coldly to the adorable kid

"Do you want a drink? Some food?" He asked nervously

"Thank you for asking kid but not right now, maybe later" I said smiling at him

"Why did you call him by his first name but you always call me Mr Stark?" Tony asked crossing his arms

"Because i don't know what Mr Oliver's last name is" Peter said blushing

"Good point, what is your last name?" Pietro asked curiously

"You wouldn't want to know because it will open a can of worms" I said coldly as i watch Wanda and Natasha gently clean my hands

"Come on tell us" Steve said with a smile

"Fine but get ready for someone to loose control" I said emotionless

"Please tell us Mr Oliver" Peter asked full of hopefully

"I said i would kid" I said amusingly

"Get to the point" Loki snapped beside me

"My full name is Oliver Lokison and just like my last name sounds Loki's my sperm doner or to put it in words Loki understands, i'm his son" I said coldly making the whole room goes silent and everyone looks at me wide eyed

"That won't change anything, i still accept you as my soulmate" Natasha said being the first one to snap out her shock

"I agree with Nat" Wanda said with a smile as she continues to clean my hand

"YOUR MY SON!" Loki yells in shock

"That's what my mother told me anyway but you will never be my father after what you caused" I said coldly


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