When it's winter

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Everybody says winter is the coldest season. I guess they are right, but as I look up to see him grinning at me I can't help but think about how the warmth in my life was brought back to me in the depths of winter in the form of a dumbass former god that dropped into a dumpster.

I watched as his fingers danced over the keys of the piano. He had chosen to remain in his Lester form, as he often did when he hung out with me. He told me to pay attention so I could try and copy his movements afterwards, but I was distracted by the look on his face. He looked so peaceful. Like nothing in the world could ruin his mood while he was playing the piano.

I wondered how I got here. What I did to deserve to live in this wonderful house with people I cared about and what I did to deserve this dummy as my best friend. I was happy. I had nothing to worry about. Not Nero. Not any emperor. And most importantly not about my best friend doing something stupid and heroic and getting himself killed in the process. (Like seriously what's his deal with that)

You know, it's never not weird. Even after living for 23 years and dealing with all these mythology shenanigans for most of my life, it's never not weird. Most of my friends here are nature spirits, my only parental figure is a Gaul without hands, my mother and my best friend are gods, Heck, I own a unicorn. I could've been a normal girl with a normal life who never had to worry about the people she cares about (or herself) dying. Yet I wouldn't trade this for the world.

"Are you okay?"

I get snapped out of my daze and notice Apollo has stopped playing and is looking at me worriedly. I felt a wave of affection warming my heart.

"Yeah, just thinking about some things" I replied with a smile.

He nodded slightly and we sat in comfortable silence for a while after that. After a couple of minutes he looked at me and said: "You didn't pay attention, did you?"

I shook my head smiling sheepishly. He chuckled and closed the lid of the piano.

"You want to go for a snack?"

"You know it"

I jumped up from my seat and rushed to the kitchen. I heard him chuckling and murmuring something that sounded like "some things never change" as he followed me.

I sat down at the kitchen table and began munching on the donuts I grabbed from the fridge. He sat down across from me and grabbed a donut. I kept cramming down the entire pack of donuts without shame. When I shoved the last donut in my mouth I looked up to find him looking at me with fondness is his eyes.

"What?" I asked, my mouth still full with donut.

"Nothing," He replied looking amused, "I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to deserve a friend like you"

I swallowed and told him "sap" as if I hadn't been thinking the exact same thing a couple of minutes before. He just grinned at me and walked to the trashcan to throw the empty pack of donuts away as if he couldn't just make it disappear with a wave of his hand.

We ended up staying up all night watching marvel movies. And when I say we ended up staying up all night I mean he fell asleep after like 2 of them.

I turned off the tv and moved him in a more comfortable position. As I looked down at his sleeping form, looking so peaceful, I caught myself thinking: "People say winter is the coldest season, but I couldn't feel warmer".

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