The crush Part 2

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I woke up early that day, For the first time in forever and got to school 20 minutes early! I even saw Adrien, I remembered early that week when I broke up with him, he said he wouldn't be mad if I acted like I was still in love with him,so I acted like I thought Adrien was Gorgeous, but that came out with a disgusting smile and wink from him I didn't really see how I ever thought he was beautiful, I was talking to alya and she smiled at me, I felt myself blush, I quickly calming myself down, I heard the bell ring and alya grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, When we got inside Chloe laughed at us and looked down at me and alya holding hands, I quickly snatched my hand away and sat down after miss busiter growled us, she continued with the lesson and I started scribbling in my Design book and I stared at alya and realised she had fallen asleep and couldn't help smiling and blushing a little bit, after class I jumped when alya's phone started ringing, I shook her awake and she answered her phone after talking for awhile we ran outside, "Can I stay over at yours?My mum said it's cool. "
"S-sure!" I said "if it's cool with my parents!"

"Thanks Mari you're the best!" She kissed me lightly on my cheek and I flused a bright red as we walked across the street to my house

"Máma? Can alya stay over?" I asked.

"Of course Sweetie that's fine!" My mum replied.

"Stay here. Okay?" I told alya

She listened, sitting down on the sofa.
And talking to my mum as my mum asked here about school and her parents,

I had to change quickly so I changed into a black shirt and short jeans, letting my hair down then putting it in a messy bun. I headed down stairs to collect alya and saw her making cookies with my parentsand brother, talking about something, I felt kind of jealous I said :
"Ahem, Alya, come with me."

"Oh hey Mari! Want a cookie?"

"Not really, are you coming?"

"In a min-"

"Now please."

"Okay? Bye Mrs. Dupin-chang!"

"Goodbye girls!"

"Bye máma."

Alya came upstairs with me and I asked her why she was hanging out with my parents and little brother, While my brother was being so clingy, Alya grabbed my diary and said

"Oh~ is this where you wrote all the things you love about Adrien? Hmmm?

She opened it

I froze

She read the latest entry, out loud.

"I love her soooo much! She's so sweet and.. Kind.. And.. Beautiful..? Uh Mari, did you mean he and him? 

" Uh.. yes of course!"

"I like her. I have for a while now. I like alya?" She said her face crossed with confusion, happiness, and blushing uncontrollably.

"I- I like you too." Alya managed to stutter.

I stared at her and smiled.

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