Chapter 6

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"Can I come out now...?"
called a familiar bright voice beneath the thin tent rags.

Waddling over and nodding, she cups her hands to her chest.

"Well, I'm glad you two sorted things out!"
"...Not exactly."
"...Do I need to give you both more space then-?"
"...Do not worry..." Peperoncino reassured her. "We will be okay."

"...We were just talking about... things! and stuff! and the valley...!" Rambled fire spirit, resting an elbow on his sizable shoulder.
"You're totally welcome to join, by the way. Any friend of this guy's a friend of mine! Can't you believe this guy's my brother?"

Peperoncino looked towards him, he felt his pierced brow quiver as he threw him a puzzled expression.
Had he really emotionally switched that quickly?
He'd be lying if that wasn't confusing, if not somewhat impressive.

"yes...?" He added, tensed and lost.
"Really?! I wouldn't have guessed!"
Said Cauliflower, switching looks between the two.
"So how does that work? Was one of your bakers on fire??"
"Magic!" Fire spirit interrupted, voice strained to a hiss.
'He's lying again...?'
thought the bulkier brother, wringing his hands. This time around he remained silent, this had to be for good reason, hadn't it?

"...OOOOH! okay! I get it, it's complicated, I get it. Back where I live I'm actually the official-unofficial auntie to this kid my roomate babysits." she beamed, hopping closer towards them.

"Y'know i'll letcha in on another little secret for the both of ya... I actually take care of a couple of little squirts myself."

"Wow! no offence but you didn't exactly strike me as a family man..."
Peperoncino got caught up in surprise as well, his own brother? with kids? That's something he could admire, but- then again- it was another facet to how much he's missed, wasn't it?
His face was left torn in a bittersweet expression, silently absorbing the conversation.

"PSHH! I totally am, what're you talking about? I do the cooking, the cleaning, all that jazz! It's- kind of easy to take care of mini celestial beings' messes, actually."

"Woah! wait- you're caring for little elementals like yourself?! What're they ruling over??"

"Not exactly... My kids angel and devil don't rule over anything- yet!! There's something great in both of those kids, I can feel it in here!"

Peperoncino's two companions' conversations droned throughout the hours, not that he was complaining. Listening was one of his sharpened skills, he was nodding along and adding on himself in little pieces. The three of them shared memories under what became the night sky, for Peperoncino, he truly began to realise why this place was so important to him. Hell, he was even briefed on the world outside the valley! How do cookies talk to each other with such small boxes?

it wasn't right of him to pry the valley away from his brother, was it?
Those kinds of questions lingered in the spicy swordsman as he fell victim to endless ease and serenity in the moment.
For the first time in what stretched across aeons, he felt what he was missing all this time.
Nestled between the two of them Peperoncino felt the warmth of people who truly cared about him.

Peperoncino woke up later that morning.
He was careful as could be while stretching his arms, and popping his aching back.
His little green friend followed next, Peperoncino's brows rising as her back cracked even louder than his.
In a half-dazed state, fist in front of him, he fell into a bow.

"Huh? what? what're you doing??" asked his small comrade.
"I'm... thanking you." he professed, head low.
"For- for what?"
"Without you, I wouldn't have been able to have found... Him."

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