month 4

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month 4: a parent will always know.

"oh, you're here now!" jin's dad yelled, greeting the couple joyfully.

"hello, there!" 

seokjin's mom exclaims merrily, greeting the couple as soon as they've reached out now that the holidays are nearing. 

"byulie!" his mom calls for her joyfully, immediately hugging her, receiving a warm hug back from the female idol. "it's been a few months without you two visiting, how is it going?" she asks quickly, letting the two enter the house to greet the rest.

"we're kind of busy from all the schedules, that's why." seokjin reasons out, as the two have decided to not yet tell their parents yet, deciding to pay the two parties a visit even before she could get her bump obviously showing.

"then i'm happy that you're now here!" she tells them, adding. "i've made some braised beef for dinner, and i'm going to order in some desserts." she excitingly tells.

but there was one problem.

byulyi had started becoming picky of what she eats the more the months had passed by, and unfortunately, braised beef wasn't one of her choices for this day. just with the sound of the food makes byulyi want to puke, unknowingly.

but to her struggle, she didn't want to offend her future-in-law, so she'll rather force herself to eat than just choosing something else to eat.

seokjin then pauses as soon as he heard the dish, turning to byulyi for a quick assessment on her face- quickly heading to the kitchen. "omma, mian- byulyi's been sick, she's not allowed to eat heavily marinated foods these days, i'll handle it."

byulyi's eyes then went wide, turning to seokjin, tugging on his arm to stop him- only for his mom's eyes to grow wide. "oh, really!?"

"aniya, omma- it's okay-" byulyi was cut-off, only for his mom to shake her hands. "no, no! it's okay, how's your health?" she asks, grabbing byulyi's hand, eyes falling into the light swelling starting on the tip, mouth parting for a moment, silenced.

"uh... i'm trying to stay healthy again, omma... but it's nothing serious." byulyi guiltily tells her, as his mom now lifts her head up, worriedly squeezes her hand. "yah, take good care of yourself!" she exclaims, as byulyi lets out a nervous laugh, shaking her head.

"don't worry about me, omma. i'm really sorry..."

"no, no, it's fine." she chuckles, adding, whispering. "let's buy you a lot of fruits, let's keep you healthy." 

smiling softly, byulyi wasn't able to talk anymore, wondering how thankful she could be to have them as her future-in-laws, wanting to tear up for a moment, only to shake it with a small nod, pursing her lips.

giggling softly, his mom then hugs her once more, confusing byulyi as she turns to seokjin- a little surprised, making jin grin softly, motioning her to just let it be.


"how are you feeling?"

seokjin whispered, rubbing underneath her throat after the dinner while they rested on the balcony, hearing her giggle softly.

"this kid won't cooperate with me today, i've been vomiting for the third time alone." she whispers while inhaling the sweet scent of night breeze, hearing seokjin chuckle, subtly slipping his hand on her oversized sweater, rubbing the bump on her tummy before whispering.

"eager to meet the grandparents, i see?" 

she giggled in reply, lowering her eyes to her tummy along with his hand inside, holding his wrist for a moment before whispering. "i guess someone's not in the mood to eat anything else today... i'm sad that i couldn't get to eat mom's braised beef..." she purses her lips, only to earn a glance from jin.

"i know... we're bound to go back to miss kim for my updated diet chart." she trails-off, pouting her lips before tiringly resting her head on his shoulder, mumbling. "it's just nine o'clock... but i'm already sleepy." 

he then smiles a little when she held his hand that was resting in her tummy, carefully patting it as a comfort, whispering. "baby... please cooperate with me until we get home tonight... don't offend your grandparents... please..." 

letting out a snort, jin can feel her sleepiness even more, letting her lean on his shoulder for a longer time, pursing his lips.

"should we head home, now?" he asks her, hearing her hum softly. "the baby wants to sleep now..." 

he chuckles, kissing her forehead before murmuring. "who among you two?"

she chuckles weakly, feeling him let go of her tummy, as he decided to finally bid goodbye to his parents, which oddly- they gladly let go of easily.

"arasso, go, byulyi seems so tired today." his mom whispers, squeezing byulyi's hand, seeing her half-lidded eyes, giggling weakly before whispering. "we'll be back sooner or later, omma." she whispers, covering her mouth to let out a yawn, hugging his mom before hugging his dad as well whom was wishing byulyi to take care of herself.

"i will, appa." byulyi smiles tiringly.

baby, please be patient. omma's just bidding her goodbyes- 

don't doze off so quickly.

"stay healthy byulie, you need that." seokjin's dad worriedly whispers, patting byulyi's shoulder.

"gomawo, appa. i'll do that." she tells her, only to receive a light pat on her back. 

"jin-ah, drive safely." his dad whispered, as jin chuckled- nodding. "i will, appa."

he received a smile, hugging his parents as well, now preparing to leave as well.

"thank you appa, omma!" byulyi bows down again, unable to forbid the yawn on her mouth once more, before telling them goodbye again.

"aigoo, so tired now- go! get some rest!" his dad chuckled, bidding them goodbye, letting them leave peacefully, now closing the door, only to see his wife smiling big, watching through the hallways.

"why are you smiling?" seokjin's dad asked her as soon as the two had left, making his mom smile big, whispering. 

"... yeobo, i think we're having another addition in our family."


his mom then chuckles, walking towards him. "i've been noticing it already ever since i've hugged byulyi, it's adorable." 

"what is it?" he asks her, as she speaks, mouthing. "there's a bump, and her fingers are swelling." she chuckled, as his eyes went wide. "oh?"

"i've noticed that her hair is getting thicker and darker, plus even more when jinnie told me that she can't eat marinated foods that much." she giggles, softly whispering. "i'm a hundred percent sure that our youngest is gonna be a dad soon."

surprised, his dad lets out a surprised- choked laugh, turning to her in joy. "really?"

"mm, i can already feel that the baby's draining byulyi's energetic mood."

"we should tell them about the possibility then, they might not know-"

"aniya, i'm sure they know. i can see your son always rubbing her tummy when chances are given, always giving her the glance when we were eating earlier to check on her." she trails-off, smiling. 

"they know what they are doing."

"that's why i was surprised that byulie had gained more than usual today." his dad tells her, seeing her giggle, nodding.

"mm, why didn't they told us, then?" he asks her, as she giggled. "i'm pretty sure they'll say it soon, for now- let them figure it out themselves..." she whispers, only to giggle. "i'll send her vitamins though, she would need much of that."

with a chuckle, his dad then sighs, crossing his arms.

"are you a witch, really?"

with a laugh, she shook her head, muttering. "ani, i'm just a mother who can sense a soon-to-be-mother." she chuckles, now hearing the engine of seokjin's car starting, indicating the couple leaving the household.

"... i'm gonna call byulyi's mom." she excitingly stood up, rushing to get her phone, as her husband laughs out loud.

you can never lie to your parents.

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