Chapter 1

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Amanda's POV


"Those waffles were sooo good!" I shouted as we walked throught the parking lot of IHOP. Today is the first day of 2rd grade and I was begining to feel even more nervous by the second. I had found out a few weeks ago that only a few of my friends would would be in the same class as me this year, but I guess its good to make new friends.

Dad: Have a good day sweetpea." Sweetpea's been my dads name for me since the day before forever. I slid the van door open and hopped out of my seat. I was so excited to be going back to school. I missed everybody. Today it was nice outside, I was wearing my new skirt and my hair was perfect in my opinion. I felt like nobody could stop me.

'Goodmorning," Mrs Branch beamed as a few other students and I walked throught the doors. This school was getting smaller and smaller every year.BUt hey, I was one year closer to getting out. I hopped up the familiar steps and down the hall until I reached my new classroom. I hesitated before walking shyly through the door. There was only a few people mostly sitting when I got there. "GoodMorning Amanda", Ms Cadwell said,"Please find the desk with your nametag and leave your bag by your desk". I was walking around in search for my desk, but I mustve seemed lost because Ms cadwell came up to me and pointed over where a boy was sitting alone. "This is Orrin, you'll be sitting by him". I smiled and he smiiled back. I could feel myself blushing so hard. So, I turned away and acted like I was putting something in my bag. This year was going to be good.

End of Flashback....

Today Orrin said he's coming to the game so we can finally see eachother. I can't wai tbut at the same time Im so nervous . I havent seen him in person in forever. All we do is text. But hopefully I can get some time in with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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