The Cloud

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3 Month Later

"Sweetie, wake up you have to go to school." Grams says wiping the curtains open making light shoot in.

I try to open my heavy eyes. "No." I moan to her while I pull the covers over my head. "Don't you tell me, no, young lady." She paused to yank the covers down then finished. "You're going to school, get up."

"Fine!" I replied sitting up aggressively. When she left I got dressed, throwing on my light blue ripped jeans and my brothers sweatshirt which was his favorite football team, the Miami Hurricanes. I buried my nose in it and closed my eyes but when I opened them they had filled with tears. I didn't want Grams to see me like this since she thinks I'm doing better with my psychologist so I whipped them away before walking out. My hair was crazy wavy but I didn't care what other people thought about me. I sat down at the table with my Grams and rolled my pant legs up so they weren't so long, then slipped on my white vans.

"You should go change." Grams said while waving her finger up and down to me.

"Why?" I said pulling the sweatshirts collar over my mouth and nose.

"It's not healthy for you to be in your brothers clothes." She took a sip of her freshly brewed coffee.


You could tell she gave up on this argument because clearly she wasn't going to win. It's like she wants me to care about what other people think but Tyler taught me to show people who I was. Grams glared at the clock which read 7:35.

"You should go, your school starts in ten minutes." Grams was shooing me out the door handing me my book bag. "I don't even have a car though." I quickly told her. "Yes you do here." She threw me the keys to a black 2007 Milan.

"She must be that desperate of getting rid of me." I thought with an eye roll. I jumped in the car and drove away. Fifteen minutes later I arrive already being late on my first day. As soon as I walk in I head to the office.

"Hi, how can I help you." A middle aged women said pushing up her glasses from the tip of her nose.

"I didn't get a schedule." I replied.

"Okay, what's your name?"

"Hope Stevens." I told her.

A few seconds later she walked over to the printer then handed the paper to me. "Here." She said licking her lips.

1) English

2) History



4) Pre-Calc

5) Chemistry

There's only five classes? I thought walking into first hour. As I walked in I heard my name then paused.

"Speak of the devil." A tiny middle aged women said with the biggest smile. Literally her smile practically touched both of her ears. I stood there awkwardly feeling my face get red. I started picking at the underneath of my nails.

"You can go sit down by Grayson." She said putting her hand on my back then pointing to the seat. I flinched forward at her touch which made her students laugh. I quickly took my seat but that didn't seem to make people stop looking at me.

"Hey so your the new kid." A lower voice whispered next to me.

I nodded my head while I examined him. He had dark green eyes and a few freckles underneath them, his smile had me paralyzed. I saw his ears were gaged to the width of a pencil. He had on a grey t-shirt and black jeans.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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